Example sentences of "with him on [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 A collection of early aviation postcards failed to find a buyer , but as compensation early space flight memorabilia such as the Union Flag carried by Al Warden and taken with him on Apollo 15 around the moon sold for an impressive £1,600 .
2 Those accused , besides Ransome Kuti and the two CD activists arrested with him on May 18 [ see p. 38900 ] , were the prominent human rights lawyer Gani Fawehinmi , arrested at his Lagos home on May 29 , and the president of the banned National Association of Nigerian Students ( NANS ) , Olusegun Mayegun , who was arrested with a NANS colleague on June 11 at Lagos University .
3 These youths had all escaped in one way or another from forced labour throughout the archipelago and the mainland colonies ; there were some women with them , but not many , and Dulé planned to bring Ariel and her baby to live with him on Oualie .
4 For example , when sending a document to Fred on July 14 , 1993 , you may want to check progress with him on July 28 , 1993 .
5 Over the next few days I was in touch by letter and by phone with Eliot , and finally it was arranged , in a note dated 9 May , that I should lunch with him on Thursday 19 May , which , as he carefully specified , was Ascension Day .
6 What chance a british victory … no chance in the big finals … but Oxfordshire 's Tim Henman has qualified and we 'll be joining up with him on Monday
7 one young golfer who did grow up to greatness is Sandy Lyle … he 's in Thame on Sunday to open up the new Oxfordshire Golf Club we 'll be meeting up with him on Monday
8 But I was n't struck by any thunderbolts or lightning flashes , and when talking about the dance afterwards in the Met Office I merely remarked to the officer on duty that I 'd met a very nice corporal and he 'd asked me to go to the Station cinema with him on Saturday .
9 The same woman who had been with him on Saturday .
10 with him on Saturday , do that ?
11 He did not need any encouragement at all , as she had discovered when she had lunched with him on Tuesday .
12 I worked with him on Queen 's Visit and then recently for the Royal Yacht visit to Leith ( partly as a dry run for the summit ) at the time of the June Scottish Financial Enterprise International Conference .
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