Example sentences of "with him [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was something about battling with him that made her feel unlike herself — weak , her mind in total confusion .
2 Barratt did arrive at some tentative agreement with him but left the decision to Taylor , who , in due course , entered into some form of arrangement the details of which , however , are wanting .
3 He came one day softly to see Cley , to discuss with him whether to ban , as it was in his power to do , a new play entitled Forgotten Robe , Abyss , Glitter .
4 Gurney , who scored 205 goals in his fourteen years with Sunderland , worked out a way of drawing the centre-half with him while collecting the ball from the wing then suddenly laying it back to the centre for another forward .
5 She went everywhere with him unless forbidden by regulations and never went away on her own . ’
6 He took out the photograph which he always carried with him and compared it to the woman he had just seen .
7 And asserts that he did it ignorantly not knowing there was any evil in it , and after the several members of the presbytery had dealt with him and endeavoured to convince him of the sinfulness of the said practice he seemed to dislike the practice of the charm and judicially promised to forbear it for the future .
8 And asserts that he did it ignorantly not knowing there was any evil in it , and after the several members of the presbytery had dealt with him and endeavoured to convince him of the sinfulness of the said practice he seemed to dislike the practice of the charm and judicially promised to forbear it for the future .
9 Interestingly Tom Jones told me , ‘ Even if he runs well I might miss Cheltenham with him and keep him fresh for another good race at the Grand National meeting at Aintree . ’
10 my dad like in South Africa my dad was telling me , when they went out at night , yeah , like if they were going to a restaurant he 'd take a kni he 'd take his gun with him and keep , it 's fucking odd man like my dad walking around with a nine millimetre strapped to his
11 He plunged for the side , but with three swift strokes Nails caught up with him and collared him round the neck .
12 I have a great thankfulness for having known him and worked with him and learnt so much from him , and somehow I feel we 'll always have him with us in his paintings and the West Riding countryside and schools .
13 I decided to go with him and listen to his story .
14 His work has taken him by car to all parts of this wide and pictorially exciting area , and I suspect that lie has carried a notebook with him and jotted down impressions of darkening moors and sunset skies on his way home to Long Preston .
15 The use of square brackets would normally mean that there is nothing in the hand of the king , not even a signature , but that the material is contemporary with him and belongs to his period .
16 Malcolm got right on the phone with him and sorted it out .
17 Morton went off with him and returned pushing a wide porter 's barrow , with empty sacks in it .
18 I really wanted to identify with him and wished that I could have said that I had been in the Falklands or in Northern Ireland , thereby establishing some sort of link .
19 President Jimmy Carter had spent New Years Eve 1977–78 with him and praised him extravagantly .
20 It was not with my reason that I had fallen in love with him and come to live with him , but it was with my reason that I was going to leave him .
21 Probably I shall meet someone and fall in love with him and marry him and things will seem to change and I sha n't care any more .
22 We became inseparable , and I was so proud to be seen walking with him , to enter a concert hall with him and let others see us sit down together at café and restaurant tables .
23 Yesterday she looked at her eight-pound new arrival , born at Arrowe Park Hospital , and said : ‘ It was a fabulous moment when the doctors came in with him and let me hold him . ’
24 She said last night : ‘ It was a fabulous moment when the doctors came in with him and let me hold him .
25 The meeting blamed the ANC for the violence in Natal , calling on it to abandon the so-called " armed struggle " ; furthermore , it urged the ANC deputy president , Nelson Mandela " to accept [ Buthelezi 's ] repeated invitation to sit down with him and to talk peace " .
26 Every evening he made her sit with him and ordered her to say to him , ‘ You are very handsome , my lord . ’
27 Let me just , just show you a little thing here just enclosing , just linking it up there , there it is , it 's , it 's a well known little picture , it 's a picture of a wheel where there in the centre the hub is Christ , you see when the hub has got to be the centre otherwise the wheel does not run true and there with Christ is the hub , the centre of your life , the centre of my life , and you and I our lives our selves , there on the outside , were the rim and there 's those spokes that hold it together and make it run true the spoke of , of the bible , God 's word allowing him to speak to us , the spoke of prayer , our communion with God , our praying to him , the spoke of obedience following him obeying him , bringing our lives into , into line with what he says in his word , he says if you love me you will keep my commandments , that 's why we 've got to learn and get to know them from his word and then the spoke of fellowship somebody as likened them to prayer , being like air , our breath , the bible being like food , giving us nourishment and strength , fellowship , it 's the family situation and in just as in a nature family there is , that is the place for care , it 's the place for support it 's the place of sharing , it 's the place of love , where it should be , so God 's family , and then the final one their obedience like exercise , keeping fit , it 's the callisthenics , it 's keeping the muscles toned , obeying what he tells us in his word , well that 's what it means to be a Christian bringing ourselves into line with him and allowing him to re-fashion us in his image and it 's a process that 's going on all the time , Wesley and his hymn talks about us being used and the scripture being changed from glory into glory , till in heaven we take our place there , like him , John says when we see him , we shall be like him , but we shall see him as he is and that 's God 's purpose for you and for me , to be like him , and the moment we come to him and respond to him , the process starts and it goes on , day in , day out , night in , night out , week in , week out , over the years him changing and fashioning us into the image of his son , because that 's how he created us originally , he created to be like him and in this new creation , we were singing we are a new creation , it 's to be like him .
28 Well would you perhaps like to give them a , a ring to , to say what I spoke about today then I 'll give them a ring , say if you could ring them tomorrow then I 'll ring them er er tomorrow evening a as well and then perhaps I can , you know , they , you 've given them the ground work to actually er for me to ring as well and then I can discuss with him and arrange an appointment to go and see him is that okay ?
29 When Lewis said to come back with him and eat there Adam had got a kick on the ankle from Anne and another kick when he had n't replied .
30 He had little difficulty in persuading Mrs Pargeter to run into Mondano with him and cash some traveller 's cheques .
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