Example sentences of "on [adj] [noun] give " in BNC.

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1 On the third day tenant reps on each team gave a full presentation of their team 's proposed solution .
2 Other recommendations such as regular change of vascular access have no proved value , and we remain too ignorant on nutritional issues to give clear guidelines on this subject — though at least we agree that nutrition is a good thing .
3 She had been less fortunate with the driver , who was not at all sure of the route to the Hook and had to rely on friendly passers-by to give directions .
4 At Baltimore , Maryland , the Romanesque revivalist style was used to produce an interior divided by arches borne on solid columns giving the appearance of a succession of law courts .
5 By the early 1980s problems for some Central and South American countries in meeting interest and principal repayments on outstanding loans gave rise to fears of an international debt crisis .
6 A Director will cast this type of actress because he knows that is the kind of personality he wants brought out in this character , and he can rely on that actress to give just such a performance .
7 The drafting of an internal report based on raw data given in the form of graphs , notes , press cuttings , charts , tables , etc .
8 The breaching of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 opened the doors to a series of revolutions in Central and East European countries which , from November 1989 to January 1990 , saw the toppling of Communist dictatorships , and their gradual replacement by governments relying in most cases on popular support given at free elections .
9 The Foreign Affairs Committee statement on 2 December gave the initial response from the European Community .
10 Another field in which he became actively involved was wireless , his interest being aroused by a lecture on Hertzian waves given by his friend ( Sir ) Oliver Lodge [ q.v. ] in 1894 .
11 The 1942 Beveridge report on social insurance gave special consideration to ‘ the problem of age ’ and the ‘ intolerable financial burden ’ which growing numbers of older people were seen to present .
12 Heightened legislative activity on this scale gave the Lord Chancellor and his office enhanced standing in Whitehall .
13 It believes the figures on this basis give a much fairer picture of business performance and underlying financial strength .
14 It was further claimed that the wage determination mechanism conducted on this basis gave a strong impetus to inflation .
15 This Article could aid considerably the plight of upland broadleaved woods discussed in Chapter 9 but much evidence given to the House of Lords Select Committee on this item gave the proposal a very mixed reception .
16 I call on such people to give it to the police in confidence .
17 ‘ I call on such people to give it to the police in confidence .
18 The Czech government decided at a cabinet meeting on 10 March to give the go-ahead for completion of the Temelin nuclear plant in southern Bohemia .
19 Lutyens 's handling of space was a notable feature of his work , and the main hall of the Dolls ' House , rising through three floors with lobbies on either side to give access to the main apartments , is particularly successful in this respect .
20 The Chancellor announced that from 6 April , the annual limit on charitable gifts given income tax relief through the pay-roll giving scheme will be increased by 50 per cent from £600 to £900 .
21 The Royal Commission on Legal Services gave a firm indication of how it considered the CAB should resolve the conflict between its generalist role and the inclination to become involved in specialist areas :
22 In Balston Ltd v Headline Filters Ltd [ 1987 ] FSR 330 , H , the second defendant , on 17 March gave notice of termination of his employment as deputy managing director with Balston Ltd .
23 The IBOA negotiators argued forcibly on many points giving reasons as to why the Banks should concede a significant salary increase to our members .
24 The sharp declivities on all sides give depth to the prospect and reveal Mallerstang below and the Eden valley winding into the distance backed by Cross Fell , with the town of Kirkby Stephen also easily seen .
25 Mann stressed that he wished to see a solution based on substantial autonomy given to Punjab , within the framework of the Indian Constitution , but without recourse to an independent state .
26 A Steve Day header on 64 minutes gave leaders Sudbury Wanderers a 1–0 away win over Warboys Town .
27 What it requires to extend it is what Einstein 's work on general relativity gave to the special theory , namely , a generalization of it which extends it to all frames of reference regardless .
28 The US secretary of state on 28 February gave the new trend in American thinking an acceptable public face when he underlined American support for the United Nations against acts of " aggression " .
29 The introduction of charges reneges on ministerial assurances given during the passage of the 1986 Agriculture Act that the conservation service would not be cut back and would remain free .
30 As an interim measure , the council decided on 14 March to give the nod to about £45 million to keep projects going for one year , ‘ It 's a complex mix , ’ one official said .
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