Example sentences of "with we [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A few weeks later , whilst visiting St. John 's College , he shared with us about the mutual support within the group and the high priority given to it by its members .
2 I believe that the Secretary of State agrees with us about the importance of the future role of the Territorial Army , and I am sure that he will do all in his power to help us achieve that objective .
3 It is a growing problem partly and one that is likely to be with us for a long time .
4 It is likely to be with us for a long time to come . ’
5 And I remember to this day , though I was so small , that mother was very angry with me , for unclothing myself before the servant , who was a very nice girl who had been with us for a long time .
6 She 'd been with us for a year when we went for a day 's walk in the country .
7 Leslie had a very good lot of men in his section , some of them had been with us for a long time .
8 ‘ Let's invite him to stay with us for a few days , then you can ask him yourself . ’
9 When Shanti had been with us for a few days , a friend said to me , ‘ I saw Michael out with the baby in the pram , and I do n't think I 've seen a man look happier in my life . ’
10 Our younger daughter came with us for a year to Australia , where Michael had a visiting Professorship at Sydney University .
11 About fifteen years ago , we had a Nigerian girl living with us for a few months before her marriage , and she was married from our house .
12 He stayed with us for a while in Salisbury early in 1921 and I can still hear him thumping away on the piano singing his favourite song ‘ Signora ’ in a not very tuneful voice .
13 These young London detectives would come out with us for a meal , after we 'd finished the court-work , go down to several famous pubs , and order several drinks .
14 One day during the early summer , Guy Gibson of Dam Busters fame flew in to Bourn and was with us for a few hours .
15 Though these problems are a characteristic feature of modern life , they have been with us for a very long time .
16 ‘ Sara Lee 's been playing with us for a while ; it was Scott Litt ( REM producer ) who recommended her , and I love the way she plays bass .
17 Looking ahead , we are privileged to have with us for a Conference on 23rd & 24th October , Roger Forster , leader of the Icthus Fellowship in London .
18 Fashion and make-up have been with us for a very long time indeed — there are make-up palettes surviving from ancient Egypt — and although men in certain times and cultures may devote a lot of effort to their appearance , it has remained chiefly a feminine domain .
19 All we ask of you in return is to buy at least one book from each of the Reviews and stay with us for a minimum of six issues .
20 It 's also a way of saying that Pentiums will be with us for a while , overlapping the life cycles of both the 80486 and P6 , and that it will be some time yet before they reach a competitive price-performance curve .
21 It 's also a way of saying that Pentiums will be with us for a while , overlapping the life cycles of both the 80486 and P6 , and that it will be some time yet before they reach a competitive price/performance curve .
22 Of course the phenomenological approach has been with us for a long time , and has been the primary source of evidence in the psychoanalytic tradition .
23 And so therefore , as we did in our case , would like erm some indication o er of whether or not er he could and this was his suggestion er give up his current lease which runs out next year and take on a new lease with us for a period .
24 The biggest developments in men 's fashion in the past few years — the explosion of sportswear in everyday clothes , the return of knitwear and the gradual softening of the suit 's construction — are more than likely to stay with us for a good few seasons yet .
25 Well we all know from our own history books that fire has been with us for a long long time has n't it ?
26 She stayed with us for a month while we regained our strength , doing all the cooking and washing until my mother was fit enough to take over .
27 ‘ Because although we 'll try to outwit Balor , we might have him with us for a goodish while , ’ he said .
28 Within a month of the start of the war it was beginning to appreciate its mistake , but the consequences will be with us for a long time to come .
29 On top of all my other problems I had something of an upheaval on the domestic front when my daughter and her two children had to move in with us for a while .
30 Brother Eadred rode with us for a while , two or three miles from the abbey gates .
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