Example sentences of "with it [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights takes it for granted not merely that all individual men are members of a single animal species , Homo sapiens , but that this biological fact carries with it moral implications .
2 Third , there was the severe deterioration of industrial relations in the few years prior to 1914 which brought with it violent strikes and syndicalism .
3 Here , take this purse , and with it ev'ry Wish ;
4 It is as if the creation of a regulatory bureaucracy carries with it implicit powers to achieve agency goals .
5 The term also carries with it certain elite connotations , and quickly generates references to ‘ standards ’ and ‘ excellence ’ .
6 But I could not help observing that a flower plucked from a grave brings with it certain reverberations when sent to one who has written Ultima on a letter received not long before .
7 That is its sole function as prescribed by the Statutes , though membership of Convocation also carries with it certain privileges , such as use of the University Library .
8 Sitting with the curtains open and the moon shining in on the barely begun big glass , he wrote , sitting keeping vigil with it all night after my walk with Paz , I was afraid .
9 Quite frequently a horse will decide to ‘ possess ’ another in the herd — obviously one lower in the pecking order — and drive the other horse around with it all day long .
10 My job was to take the cart up on the moor to a place called Mile End , and you sat with it all day until they brought the grouse to you .
11 You would n't if you , you would n't if you had to deal with it all day long
12 But I could make no sort of impression upon him … when I visited him a second time , the fear of death was gone , and with it all solicitude about religion . ’
13 It was not only the blow of failing to win power , and with it all hopes of a Scottish parliament , but also the fact that Labour lost votes and a seat in Scotland — facts which are conveniently forgotten when home-rulers and guardians of the party 's traditional totems blame failure in the south for Labour 's lack of achievement in the north .
14 Once in a while , however , mud from the ridge above slipped down in a turbid cloud , carrying with it all kinds of small creatures and dumped them there .
15 Here again we are assisted by Strype : ‘ The entrails and bowels were honourably buried in the [ St George 's , Windsor ] chapel ’ , for it was not usual for the viscera chest to take any part in the state obsequies ; the coffin was reunited with it nineteen days later .
16 This sort of black consciousness — and with it black textbooks , black English and black studies — has barely raised its head in Britain .
17 In principle , direct investment brings with it better management , improved technology , and marketing expertise .
18 For the little good it 's supposed to do it brings with it inherent problems .
19 Record reviewers criticise from the standpoint of their own knowledge and experience , which is at once a strength , but carries with it inherent weaknesses .
20 However , since chronic mental disorder generally brings with it long-term unemployment or low income , the private sector psychiatric hospitals make an insignificant contribution to longer-term services .
21 For a while the increasing national cost of poor relief after mid century did not bring with it harsher attitudes .
22 There is great dryness and with it great thirst for cold water .
23 Before considering making an application to the local council for a rent or rate rebate , an elderly person who is hard pressed financially should consider first whether her income is so low that she might do better to make an application for a supplementary pension , which brings with it other benefits ( previously described ) .
24 Basically speaking , the objectives set for the system have been achieved , but like all other systems the achievement of those objectives brought with it other problems .
25 By the beginning of the nineteenth century , encouraged by the new taste for the Picturesque , Gothic had established its domestic footing , at least in a decorative sense , and had even imported with it other exotica — Chinese and Egyptian , Arabic and Indian .
26 As part of this a rather different kind of social survey emerged and with it new kinds of data .
27 While many feminists will abhor Segal 's conclusions about violence and pornography , I found them extremely relevant at a time when the British anti-porn bandwagon is sweeping along with it Labour women MPs and anti-censorship feminists , in company with the powerful , pro-family , homophobic moral right .
28 We are able to give them the independence they so badly need , and with it self respect and dignity .
29 Quite often the limitations of its '50s design brought with it annoying problems you would n't think of in a more modern-thinking car .
30 So I suppose what you do with Debs is er tell them you want the whole discount and I suppose they give you a card for each floor cos you ca n't walk around with it each floor can you ?
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