Example sentences of "with [Wh det] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 If the wording of a trust has been omitted and the other provisions accord with what ought to have been written , by analogy with institution as heir and with legacies a trust will be understood to be duly given and insufficiently expressed in writing .
2 Elinor was looking at him with what might have been respect .
3 Measurement has been used to examine the nature of variation between pairs of saucer brooches , particularly the ornament variation ( Dickinson 1982 ) ; the study was based on 52 pairs of cast saucer brooches , but a number of problems were encountered with what might have seemed a straightforward piece of research ( ibid. 22–3 ) .
4 ‘ You sure you do n't mind me talking about your sister ? ’ he said slowly , with what might have been some sort of smile on his face .
5 It is also possible to get data for past populations of countries , and to make alternative projections towards the present day , thus comparing what did happen with what might have happened .
6 His eyes gleamed with what might have been taken for some inner illumination .
7 But the Gospels themselves confirm that Jesus and his entourage , in keeping with what would have been expected of the Messiah , were militant nationalists who did not shrink from violence .
8 But the legal tangle surrounding ‘ culpability ’ was never really unravelled : no eye-witnesses , contradictory evidence on possible mechanical faults , discrepancies about the time recorded for the breathalyser test — these factors resulted in Kemp getting away comparatively lightly , being banned from driving for three years only , with what must have seemed to many the derisory fine of only four hundred pounds .
9 ‘ Perhaps I prefer cold air to hot air , ’ he suggested urbanely , his eyes darkening with what could have been amusement at her spirited defence of her career .
10 Nevil choked me until I almost passed out , then he lifted me out of the driver 's seat and bundled me into the back of Armstrong , hitting me on the back of the neck with what could have been an anvil but was probably his fist .
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