Example sentences of "with [det] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think we 'll probably deal with that this afternoon .
2 I recognize that it represents a major change in policy to even consider the idea of recruiting the unemployed , but I understand the C E C for looking for referral and we will be happy with that this year .
3 The Group of Seven has a responsibility to the human race to deal with that this summer .
4 So with this this stone could be built in so that it 's facing the road could n't it ?
5 And I 'll show you basically The the theory is that you go inside In fact I can show you with this this kind of window here .
6 We talk about the butterflies and that that 's to do with this this effect of the the adrenalin in the system .
7 They wo n't want me here with all this happening .
8 Oh this one is n't so nice with all this sand .
9 And all I 'm asking of you now is your cooperation in dealing with all this publicity , that 's all . ’
10 With all this publicity , Jackson 's is expecting The Factory Whistle to do very well .
11 I keep telling myself I ought to go — with all this publicity that 's blown up , and all that .
12 We are fit as two fiddles in a ceilidh bank with all this exercise and will no doubt have to pick fights with Big to keep in trim on our return .
13 I do n't see why we have to drag in father and father 's pals with all this art business .
14 With all this flap going on , it 's very unlikely I 'll get much peace to do any real work today . ’
15 With all this choice , was the Duke planning any purchases
16 With all this yuppie rubbish at the moment , I 'd say it 's long hair , neat but sexy clothes , of course long nails , straight teeth , small nose , big eyes , shaved armpits and legs , nice perfume , and an independent-but-dying-to-be-subservient look about her .
17 It is her whole situation — she is so mournful and silently accusing and sometimes , Robert , I think her as mad as Landor with all this nonsense she makes of the Bible from time to time .
18 It was nothing to him , of course — orders were orders — yet it had occurred to him several times that it would have been far simpler to evacuate the Shepherds than go through with all this nonsense .
19 ‘ Syl wo n't put up with all this nonsense , ’ said my mother unwarily .
20 We 're robbing them from the wild , and including Africa with all this nonsense about saving them from culls , it 's it 's
21 With all this experience behind him , Buckmaster had proved a natural choice to control the new Ministry .
22 is John going to the tip with all this tree ?
23 Gon na feel dirty with all this ironing in i n't it ?
24 Exasperated with all this pussy-footing , and knowing of Mountbatten 's wishes that what he had said should be known , I saw to it that a transcript of the Suez programme reached my friend Bernard Levin at The Times , and he published the core of it in two long articles .
25 ‘ What 's with all this excellency business , chief ? ’
26 ‘ Well at least I 'll get them into the kitchen for you , I ca n't leave you with all this mess , can I Chrissy ? ’
27 I 'm getting cold again , and my feet are aching with all this walking .
28 What 's with all this walking ? "
29 Yeah well I mean with all this noise and that you do n't feel like doing much do you ?
30 You probably would n't even recognise a moment like that today if it happened , now they 've turned us into football TV junkies with all this coverage . ’
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