Example sentences of "with [det] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And is not this medium the same with that medium by which light is refracted and reflected — and by whose vibrations light communicates heat to bodies ?
2 spastic with that pencil behind his ear .
3 Because I think that there should be no reason why the Q S should n't provide you with that service in the same way as he provides anybody else Jim .
4 My local authority has had to cope with that problem for many years , as I did when I was housing chairman of my local authority .
5 Now England have got one last chance to cope with that problem in what looks like being another turning pitch .
6 All of this was to conquer one single problem : to put Armstrong safely on to the Sea of Tranquillity , and to get him ( along with that sliver of lunar rock ) safely back to Earth .
7 a concept which has always been in complicity with a teleological and eschatological metaphysics , in other words , paradoxically , in complicity with that philosophy of presence to which it was believed history could be opposed .
8 agree with that lady over there about er Queen , I think she does a wonderful job and , it 's come through lately there like she just suffers the same as any natural mother , their family , the way they live , the way their
9 Spent an hour with that lady from the airline going over names of hotels in London — you know how many there are ? — but no way can I recall it , not till my valise reaches me .
10 Even with that level of scrutiny , there could be little hope of containing fraud , which is already a serious drain on the EC 's coffers and on its reputation .
11 With that level of recommendation , there really is no better option .
12 Though he extended these four levels into seventeen very specific levels of mechanisation , we need not concern ourselves here with that level of detail .
13 The new money will still leave gearing at 60 per cent , but Mr Scott says the company will be happy with that level of debt , given that gearing at other transport groups can be as high as 90 per cent .
14 ‘ The commitment is there from every individual and working as a team , with that level of dedication , makes all the difference .
15 Laura reckons , ’ she continued , a salacious gleam in her toffee-brown eyes , ‘ old Po-face-that 's what they all calls him cos he never smiles-had been having it off with that secretary for weeks .
16 There was no answering shout , and as they entered the kitchen , Mary O'Dell said : ‘ He 's out in the backyard with that friend of his — the Welsh fellow . ’
17 It complied with that request in the time allowed .
18 That , Chair , is the nub of the problem with that scheme in terms of a closing sum sort of diverting previous Shropshire residents back into Shropshire .
19 ensuring abundant light , and ventilation in every part of the building together with that character of sober dignity which should ( we venture to consider ) characterise a building of national importance , placed upon one of the most commanding sites in the Metropolis , and intended to correspond with structures of equal grandeur and extent .
20 This shows the use of the pentatonic scale to produce music of a mildly modern flavour , with that element of harmonic stress which contemporary expression often demands .
21 If only he could keep in touch with that centre of himself , which somehow , mysteriously , enabled him to do this acting business — then all the rest would be his .
22 Still , it was another thing he could reproach Gina with that night in bed .
23 You could manage perfectly well for yourself , with that whiplash of a tongue . ’
24 It would have been a little more civilised if he had pointed out that she was a guest at the hacienda , instead of sitting here with that look on his face .
25 Thanks to you , I 'm unemployed , penniless , in danger of losing my visa — and there you stand , with that look on your face — ’
26 They are submissive but dignified , with that look of yearning that brings to mind Ehrenburg 's comment that Modigliani saw all his subjects as lost children : his own Jeanne , Zborowski , and perhaps most of all , although he would never admit it , he himself come into that category .
27 ‘ You are so right , ’ the stranger said , always with that look of persiflage upon her face , ‘ there is nothing to a degree , unless you are a complete clod , I got mine for a bet — ’
28 Summoned Léonie with that look of interest and tenderness .
29 We in the Conservative Party have no truck with that style of gutter journalism which we were forced to endure last Sunday .
30 Going to the bathroom these days is quite a heavy trip : the can becomes a kind of geyser , and Tod has to look lively with that bucket of his .
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