Example sentences of "with [det] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When they served her with a stallion you see , it was three weeks elapsed then before she if you did n't go and foal with that service it was three weeks elapsed afore you game again .
2 ‘ If ever I catch another man looking at me with that look which means ‘ You 're mine , all mine ’ I shall kill him , because I 'm not his all his at all .
3 Cos they looked really nice with that jumper she wears .
4 ‘ You know , ’ she said resentfully , ‘ when Billy was inside he was sharing a landing with some very funny men , and one day he was telling them about that pub he bought with the cellars full of Château d'Yquem not showing off or nothing , just by way of general conversation , and they said , ‘ Nice , is it , with that stuff you lot eat ?
5 Once it 's lit with that stuff you 're supposed to shut your bottom all tight .
6 Was Daff pleased with that watch you got her ?
7 In a session lasting until one in the morning they had discussed Crime in Society with that lucidity which is only achieved at somewhere above the 100 mg per cent level of blood alcohol and with the comforting knowledge that one does n't have to drive home .
8 Mind you , the red shoes go well with that dress I got in the sales .
9 Under section 89(2) and ( 3 ) the company may allot shares in accordance with that provision which is not to be treated as inconsistent with section 89(1) within the meaning of section 91 .
10 She said unless it , like with , with that doll she 's bought Carla she said they 're a good thing for collectors for her .
11 ‘ Faced with that choice there can be no doubt what the outside friends of Russia should choose and I hope that will also be the choice of the Russian people , ’ Mr Hurd said .
12 Conference , I ask you , with that response what does that hold for our social services within our communities and how hopelessly helpless we must feel that given we will certainly not ?
13 With that thought I breathed a deep sigh of relief .
14 Selling off the family silver , and look what we 're gon na have to do with that year You have criticised those for setting up the various units , and giving them target for .
15 For the individual seeking an inner personal relationship with that God whose Incarnation enabled the socially redemptive love celebrated at the Mass , it was an interior process mediated by the priest and one formally encouraged by the Church after the Lateran Council of 1215 .
16 The safer approach is to start with that evidence which is directly relevant .
17 ‘ If you attack Con Gallagher with that whip you 'll go to prison .
18 So just with that trick there are a lot of words now that you 'll be getting right yeah .
19 But I think perhaps it 's no it 's not only with that course I th think it 's lots of other anyway , have n't you ?
20 ‘ I think you 're horrid to tell me lies too , and make out that when you 're married you 're going to get up to horrible … such disgusting … with that man who looks like a fish with cold yellowish eyes and greeny-yellow skin … . ’
21 The way you dealt with that man who collapsed was exemplary .
22 With that caveat I offer one table out of many , which illustrates the negative outcome .
23 Er Chairman , yes , if I may just make a couple of , of , of , of , of , comments on , on , on the report side , I , I very much welcome the report back which I think has clarified a number of areas in the inspector 's report and what the services are actually , actually are doing about this one , I think er overall it 's er it , it , it 's , it 's very , it 's very er it 's very er very useful to see er what has been done erm I , I , I , I , I 've been assured by the Chief Officer er on item , item er , item three one at the top of page two , that the operational plans being devolved to individual sch will not apply to operational activity , they will be er to separate activity within the s er sch station , erm I did raise that because I was concerned about one station saying yes we will attend the fire and another one saying we wo n't , which obviously is not appropriate er but with that caveat I , I , I , very much welcome the report , I would like to move the proposals sch standing in , in , in , in , in my name that we commend the report as well as er er what 's on the officer 's erm er , er , er recomen er the re the recommended er resolution and that we send a copy of that , this
24 With that qualification it is true that Attica , from dates earlier than Themistokles , looked to the ‘ wooden walls ’ of a famous oracle delivered to Athens in the Persian War : the phrase referred to the fleet ( Hdt. vii .
25 But , with that unpredictability which makes biology such a fascinating science , it was some biochemists interested in nutrition who laid foundations for the next major advance in the treatment of cancer .
26 So with that call it coincidence , call it what you like but one of these low-loaders come in to pick up a caravan or something like .
27 A 1980 calendar hung on a wall ; she had kept it because she liked the picture : Manet 's " The Bar at the Folies-Bergère " She identified with that girl who stared out , trapped by bottles , tangerines , mirrors , the counter , a wall of people with ugly faces .
28 He 's stuck with that girl I say cos I mean she 's a lot older than he is , but they 're stuck together yeah , cos Carol must be near my age
29 It 's a three-day Congress er and what we do in our Guild , we have , we had a house party on a Tuesday night and she 's told me she made twenty-six Pounds and erm we , we send our , our delegate Congress with that money you see , er because you see , er women would not if you could n't say you could sponsor them .
30 ‘ Your mother bought you out and with that money you are willing to buy me out ? ’
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