Example sentences of "with [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A rainbow is formed from the interaction of pure white sunlight with molecules of moisture in the atmosphere acting as prisms that break up the light into the respective colours perceived through our senses .
2 However , an alternative approach might argue that , if learning does involve making structural changes at synapses , and the synapses are built of proteins and packed with molecules of neurotransmitter , then learning must itself involve the synthesis of new proteins and transmitters .
3 For instance , the specimen in an electron microscope has to be held in a vacuum to minimise the scattering of the electron beam due to collisions with molecules in air .
4 Their passage startled birds and invisible animals out of their path with shrieks of warning to others of their kind .
5 If you are inclined to take Frownies seriously , and wish to be well ahead of the game , you need look no farther than Clare Maxwell-Hudson 's office in north London , where the notion that anti-frown plasters are a new idea from the USA met with shrieks of incredulity .
6 At G.Q.G. the propagandists — still deflated from their bludgeoning over Douaumont — seized on the German blunder and ensuing attempts at justification with shrieks of joy .
7 In central Dorset , of the nearly fifty parishes with Acts of Enclosure , nine were for open-field arable alone , thirty include huge areas of downland and ten are solely concerned with downland .
8 Around 40 people convicted of political crimes in connection with acts of defiance during the campaign to impose Slavic names on ethnic Turks were released from prison in accordance with an amnesty bill passed by the National Assembly on Jan. 15 .
9 Assertion of the principle served to do away with the monarch 's previously claimed powers to suspend or dispense with acts of Parliament and it served to deny judges the power to strike down measures .
10 The morning was growing , lengthening into a day , a long day to be filled with acts of kindness .
11 The Apple Day runs from 2–6pm and includes an apple question time session , with experts on hand to identify your mystery apples and diagnose any problems .
12 The Beechvale Nursery on the Gransha Road will be open from 11am to 5pm with experts on hand to help with any queries .
13 further secondary analysis of extant data on education , training and the labour market , the development of a data base on school effectiveness , labour markets and change , support for the access of the research community to the extant data base ; and the consolidation and extension of national and international contacts with experts in research methods and statistics .
14 All objects have been catalogued and vetted by Chinese experts and the results discussed with experts from Brussels , Paris and Hong Kong , the names of whom Mr van Halder would not disclose .
15 So , with considerable encouragement from overseas donors , the institutes , centres and units described earlier produced in the late 'sixties and early 'seventies a very impressive crop of programmes and projects , sometimes linked with programmes of syllabus renewal , sometimes more or less independent of them .
16 Not long ago a performer in Paris won some notoriety for employing her vagina to swallow , and then powerfully eject , table tennis balls and the history of the seamier side of nightlife around the world is littered with accounts of vaginas that have played harmonicas or smoked cigarettes .
17 The problem with old-fashioned community studies was that they lacked any systematic procedure for linking ethnographic observation with accounts of society as a whole .
18 However , although the Dictionary is principally filled with accounts of genera and their cultivated species , from Abies alba of Europe to Zygophyllum fulvum of South Africa , there is also comprehensive practical advice on cultivation .
19 Lionello Venturi considered lives of artists made up a basic category of art criticism , buttressing his opinion with accounts of writings by Vasari and others .
20 Some of them are explained in more detail on the following pages along with accounts of Tesco 's efforts to tackle a range of problems from toxic chemicals to energy conservation .
21 The troubled signs of this ‘ ordinary ’ street life were very much in evidence , however , and press reports were packed with accounts of assaults and robberies , ‘ dipping ’ gangs at race meetings , gang fights and stabbings , vandalism , punch-ups and ‘ free fights ’ .
22 Goodman substantiates his view of reading as a ‘ psycholinguistic guessing game ’ ( 1972 ) with accounts of children who managed to battle their way through unfamiliar syntax and uncertain word recognition to some kind of understanding of the text .
23 The long hall was caparisoned with cloths of Paris , costly arras , and ablaze with torches burning fiercely in their countless sconces along the walls .
24 There was Lodowyck 's universal language , for instance , in which a sign for a radical ( eg primitive verb , to light ) was set on a musical stave , with signs for augmentation leg that wherewith the thing is acted ) set adjacent to it .
25 We are all familiar with signs on doors saying ‘ Push ’ , ‘ Pull ’ and ‘ Exit ’ .
26 He was obliged to return to earth , however , by signs of excitement at the ramparts , which doubtless heralded another attack … and by the Padre who had asked him a question and was waiting with signs of impatience for his reply .
27 The announcement of the coup was greeted with signs of jubilation among the 800,000 residents of Ciskei , many of whom destroyed their Ciskeian nationality cards in protest at the continuation of the homeland system .
28 He was also one prime source of the notion that has counted for so much among those with misgivings about democracy ever since : that of the tyranny of the majority .
29 Adopt a smooth noiseless walk with oodles of patience and you 'll be surprised at your own success .
30 Bike parking and signposting were to be improved and experiments with bikes in pedestrian areas were to be tried .
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