Example sentences of "with [pers pn] even [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If anyone else would wan na come with me even though it 's during school weeks .
2 Moreover these milestones correspond broadly with others in the course of sensory-motor development , being broadly in step with them even when the whole process is slowed down , as in the cases of mental retardation .
3 My children said it is the best learning game they have played , and I agree with them even though I still land in the water in level two .
4 You will learn to hold your work with you even when you are prevented from doing it .
5 I 'm dealing with her even as we speak .
6 He had travelled back to Keswick with her even though it had not been his previous intention to do so .
7 Females tend to disperse themselves among the males but in cases where a male has an especially good territory a female may opt to breed with him even if he already has a mate , rather than go for one without .
8 And she would n't have come here with him even if he had .
9 It showed what the weather was and how they had started taking daily sunshine for granted that he had n't got any sort of jacket or sweater with him even though he expected to be away overnight .
10 I ca n't agree with him even though he nods at me continuously , urging me to do so .
11 IBM has invested so much in the development of , and so much more in the marketing of , OS/2 2.0 that it has to plough on with it even if in 18 months ' time it becomes clear that it is becoming at best a respectable also-ran in the desktop stakes .
12 Although it was very rough at first , but I got used with it even when the seasickness caught me up going round the top of the highland , but once he was away from that and er I was n't a drinker in these days but some old man says to me , er before you go to a meal , he says , take a drop of brandy .
13 And this is sometimes where we slip up because fire is still prevailing with us even when we 're in home .
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