Example sentences of "with [pers pn] [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 I know too that you can never be with me here and for that reason I have taken a decision .
2 Someone obviously agreed with me eventually and it was changed to its present cream colour , which is a vast improvement .
3 A former colleague , and the wife of a senior executive is coming to have lunch with me tomorrow and so I might raise the thing with her !
4 I telephoned the next day , and the producer , having chatted with me awhile and ascertained that I was not a nutter ( I think ) , asked me to make a programme .
5 there must be a reason you know , they , they went well so I 've got sixty of them , they take them with me tonight and they said would there be any cakes available for Saturday and I , I think and I nearly said to erm , well last year you reckon you could n't sell cakes , but anyway I helped her
6 I let myself think I might adopt him — oh , not altogether , but just so that he could come and stay with me sometimes and I could do things for him .
7 Come out with me sometimes and tour the antique shops in this district . ’
8 ‘ He bets with me now and then , nothing special .
9 I wanted him with me there and then .
10 If problems do arise during a large project , do n't hesitate to deal with them firmly and immediately .
11 George Wallace meets with them regularly and John Murphy , Manager Service Quality Development is enthusiastic about the positive approach being taken to customer service by Technology .
12 If someone persists in being awkward , then as leader you can choose to continue the discussion with them elsewhere and move on to another questioner .
13 Look at them , acknowledge them and then tell yourself you will deal with them later and let them go .
14 Older people will often take drugs to relieve the pains and griefs of old age , rather than attempt to come to terms with them intellectually and emotionally .
15 Probably because they had n't re-used they got there by two or three or four years time when they came on to the next level of management the junior management erm we did this with them again and you would begin to find certain skills had evolved and certain certain team strengths had arisen because they do change over the years .
16 My parents are going to France at Christmas and erm I do n't wan na go with them really and nor does Digby so he , Digby 's gon na come and stay just for a bit and my house it has to be empty and Foxy 's coming round to stay .
17 She hated to be made to think in this way ; but there were some things you had to think of with your mind , when you could n't straightforwardly see them with your hands , to deal with them then and there .
18 Some of these things as well , they 've been pinching back from upstairs , toys they , they 've played with when they were smaller and they do n't play with them now and I put them upstairs out of the way and they keep going and finding them and bringing them down .
19 From the evidence in city museums , artists among the early settlers brought their European attitudes with them too and , failing the innocent eye test , also failed to interpret the essence of their new found environment , while those who subsequently practised the new styles of modern art in the early decades of this century did so with the same little effect .
20 I think the answer is we must come and stay with you again and then we can
21 Meanwhile , my apologies for not being with you today and I look forward to a FANTASTIC reunion with you all at Crystal Palace in November .
22 I 've only been in your bed with you once and then you were as jumpy as a cat thinking that sister of yours might come back unexpectedly .
23 Now I 'd like to go through each of them with you now and then again in two weeks ' time , and hear any suggestions you may have .
24 The consequences of that compromise could live with you forever and destroy your career .
25 I moved in with her immediately and changed schools ( again ) , visiting my Pop at weekends .
26 I did n't like to recall that squalid gavotte of erotic incomprehension I had once danced , did n't like to compare — to imagine Gill comparing — my being in a room with her here and my being in a room with another there .
27 Flavia was beautiful and I danced with her again and again .
28 I have not yet beckoned to her so that she will come running to me , so that I shall lie with her today and tonight and tomorrow , and for a great many tomorrows .
29 Well when you all went , as you all left , when the last lot of redundancies were made , I said I 'm not paying no more union , Judith come over about the union meeting , I said I 'm not going to the meeting Judith and I said I want to come out of the union I 'm not paying any more , I said I ca n't afford ten pound a month for crap , well me and Jan had a big barney over it cos I never got on with her anyway and we had a big fucking row about it , she said the union this , the union that , I said where were the unions with my mates , they were n't in damn site , they were never there , we never saw one union representative from the day Audrey got done and we never ever saw erm till the last one got done , I said so do n't you tell me about the union I said they did fuck all , they were n't even here , so I said I do n't want to pay the union , and I said do n't tell me what to do Jane , I said what I do with me money is up to me I said get me out the union and get me out now , and then they all started , they all wanted to come out of it then , oh Maureen I think I might but what would Debbie say , I said Maureen do you ask her for a shit ?
30 I would n't of thought so I would of sa I would of said well if I bloody ju good enough for living with I bleeding come on a I do n't think she 'd want him on holiday with her anyway and her sister said is she had n't got enough money , she 'd pay for it .
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