Example sentences of "with [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This should be dealt with expressly in the lease .
2 Hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia are common accompaniments of diabetes and it is not illogical to anticipate similar benefits if these atherogenic factors are dealt with effectively in the diabetic patient .
3 ‘ Things are starting to get much easier for the business person , although there 's still a big difference between setting up in Budapest , or Warsaw , or Prague , compared with somewhere in the country , where you may still have a long wait for a telephone connection . ’
4 That that the matter is not urgent and should be dealt with only at the receipt of a vote from Education Committee , I move A standing order A thirteen E be suspended for this meeting and B the motion and amendment be referred to the Education Committee for report without being debated at this meeting .
5 Having set forth the accepted Turkish tradition concerning the early Muftilik and having reviewed in some detail the lives of the first three Muftis , one may now pass on to a consideration in more general terms of the validity of the tradition and of such important problems as the reasons for the creation of the institution and the nature of the early Muftilik , problems which are either not dealt with at all by Turkish writers or are dealt with only in the vaguest terms .
6 The following observations follow those on the agenda , and of course will be dealt with together at the same time so far as possible .
7 Colleagues he had worked with all over the world were to form a network of stringers .
8 Charles the Bald did not simply exploit the church within his kingdom : he had to work with not against the ecclesiastical grain .
9 It i it is I appreciate er a difficult er course now to steer between approaching head-on an objection which is a late objection and dealing by er reference to obliquely perhaps to matters that have been dealt with elsewhere to the question of washing-over , but I 'm sure that you can steer this particular course or cross this particular tightrope with success .
10 Of course , there are other disbursements that you may incur in addition to a local search , and these are dealt with elsewhere in the text .
11 It 'd be a daft name to live with anyway for the rest of your life !
12 The old erm violence in society was dealt with largely with the Public Order Act of nineteen thirty-six , but recently we 've had introduced a new Act through Parliament .
13 The deficiencies of the NHS need to be dealt with away from the headlines …
14 The issue of non-accidental injury , although mentioned under psychological factors , obviously also has physical , sociocultural , environmental and politicoeconomic aspects and is another reminder that although in this textbook , the five factors are dealt with separately for the purposes of discussion , in reality they are closely related .
15 Additional or return premiums will be dealt with separately from the Esiplan 12 Scheme .
16 It was eventually agreed that the issue of Li Un Hye would be dealt with separately from the normalization talks .
17 Any retention and cash discount , therefore , would be ignored in the cost accounts but dealt with separately in the financial accounts .
18 Still , it should be pointed out that the average Soviet citizen 's contact with the courts was likely to be as unpolitical as that of his or her Western counterpart , and he or she was no more likely to be dealt with unjustly in the run-of-the-mill case ( Lane , 1985 , pp. 192–7 ) .
19 The denouement in the 1920s is dealt with dismissively in the classic book Radiation from Radioactive Substances by Chadwick , Ellis and ‘ Sir Ernest Rutherford , O.M. , D.Sc , Ph.D. , LL.D. , F.R.S. , and NOBEL LAUREATE ’ ( the title pages of modem books tend to be more modest ) .
20 When the situation seemed to warrant it , or the moment seemed opportune , these were dealt with briskly by the forces of law and order : there was little sign of any paralysis of will in this respect on the part of the British in India .
21 The new system will not only provide subscribers with up to the minute , page-ready results but will offer cricket coaches a means of analysing players ' performance — for example a batsman 's record against certain bowlers .
22 The new system will not only provide subscribers with up to the minute , page-ready results but will offer cricket coaches a means of analysing players ' performance — for example a batsman 's record against certain bowlers .
24 If the matter is dealt with purely on the basis of the doctrine of consent , then I submit that there is no room here for invalidating the transsexual 's consent .
25 But unlike the economy-wide agreements in Scandinavia , these exclude wages and deal instead with single , specific issues such as employment security or the progressive reduction of the working week ( i.e. ‘ they deal with problems often dealt with solely by the government and amount to the development of law by collective bargaining ’ ( Meyers , 1981 ) ) .
26 In practice most councils adopt a policy of partial delegation , so that routine matters may be dealt with expeditiously by the committees , whilst matters of major importance and controversial issues are referred to the full council for decision .
27 For example , in : ( 40 ) I was born in London and have lived there ever since there refers back to whatever place London refers to , but simultaneously contrasts with here on the deictic dimension of space , locating the utterance outside London .
28 The policeman pulled his cap straight and said in a very careful , very patient voice , ‘ Who you been staying with here in the area ? ’
29 Once again each man visited with his own buddies that they 'd gone through training with here in the States , so we feel very much attached to the Hundredth Bomb Group and .
30 And that figure also coincides with the the estimated requirement figure that we 've come up with independently for the Greater York area , within Selby District anyway .
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