Example sentences of "with [pron] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My clubs travel everywhere with me and through golf , I have met the most extraordinary and fascinating people all over the world .
2 ‘ It will mean more time with me and with his family .
3 The thing with me and with ‘ Crooksy ’ [ Garth Crooks , his friend ] as well is that , if you 're black in a small community where there are n't too many blacks and you 've got a little bit of stile , then you can not go wrong .
4 It has been raised often before with me and with my right hon. Friend the Minister for Overseas Development and I am sure that it will be raised again .
5 Erm if we actually look erm and I do n't know if we did introduce to all members Bryony who is my assistant and who works very largely on the programme with me and on the educational and events side , and is acting minute secretary while Judith is on maternity leave .
6 ‘ I had my two dogs with me and on hindsight one of them was trying to tell me something , ’ he said .
7 Adventure Training put him in contact with me and after five days Bombardier Michael Goldsmith and a subaltern had come to see me from the Outer Hebrides with a view to offering an army vehicle .
8 Amongst numerous documents , the Soviet customs declaration demands the visitor to fill in a questionnaire stating : ‘ With me and in my luggage I have : ( i ) weapons of all descriptions and ammunitions ( ii ) narcotics and appliances for the use thereof . ’
9 Are you coming in with me and in the library or whatever ?
10 We have held the hands of our gallant fighters and prayed with them and for them as their life 's blood seeped slowly into the dark damp earth of the jungle .
11 Their high degree of competitiveness is a lesson both for British companies that compete with them and for all those who are looking for ways to sharpen their competitive edge .
12 St Bernards had placed a fee on this transfer should he go to a Football League club so Palace had to settle with them and with Kettering , but his eminent place in the club 's history assures us that if Palace had had to pay a dozen clubs , it would have been money well spent .
13 This agenda suggests an agency supported jointly by the financial institutions , and working very closely with them and with their educational wings .
14 According to the census of 1897 , only 43 per cent of the population were Great Russians , and the regime 's overt identification with them and with the Orthodox Church alienated the minor minority nationalities .
15 At the turn of the century only 43 per cent of the population were Great Russians , and the tsarist government 's overt identification with them and with the Orthodox Church alienated minority nationalities .
16 I , and my British parliamentary colleagues who think as they do , look forward to an increasingly close and warm cooperation with them and with other parliamentarians around Europe who share the vision of a united , free-trading , but not a federal Europe .
17 And although we may concentrate attention on teachers ' socially regulated selves , " their own descriptions of their feelings about pupils , and their relationships with them and with their colleagues remind us that the regressive , passionate and unruly aspects of human nature are always present in the classroom and may sometimes escape from rational control " ( 1989 : 203 ) .
18 It is essential , but not always obvious , that R&D workers should understand what accountants do sufficiently to be able to communicate with them and on occasion to negotiate change in the detail of how they do it .
19 It is essential , but not always obvious , that R&D workers should understand what accountants do sufficiently to be able to communicate with them and on occasion to negotiate change in the detail of how they do it .
20 According to him they had brought a great deal of food with them and despite the loss of Crane 's saddlebags and wallet there seemed to be no shortage of provisions .
21 Grant that they may always be confident of your presence with them and of their oneness with the whole family of Your church ; and grant that with one mind and one voice we may all worship You , O Christ , who with the Father and the Holy Spirit , reigns for evermore .
22 Much more promising avenues are opened up by those schools of thought that combine a description of the structure of texts with an account of the knowledge and attitudes that readers bring with them and of the process to which they subject them : some versions of structuralism ; and phenomenological and related theories , which study the process by which readers create meaning in a text with much more attention to the text itself than Richards ever allowed .
23 There was the school garden where the pupils learned to grow vegetables and I ( being under school age ) pottered around with them and after them , eager to help .
24 Put another way : we have sought to teach children by establishing a close personal contact with them and by developing an understanding of the social conditions in which they live .
25 Leaders of the Serbian minority in Croatia issued a statement on July 25 publicly proclaiming the sovereignty and autonomy of all Croatian Serbs , as well as their right " to determine with whom and under what regime their people will live , and how they will integrate with the other nations in Yugoslavia " .
26 Fernando was n't the proud man she 'd thought he was and Steve was a creep to have just gone off without letting her know why , with whom and for how long .
27 Before we can begin to understand social interaction we must have a sound descriptive data-base : an ‘ ethogram ’ or compendium of all the behaviours an animal typically performs , how often they are performed , with whom and to whom .
28 The agony of lying locked in a cell and wondering what your wife or girl friend is doing , with whom and to whom .
29 He had time to have a word with everyone and on the occasions when I met him in England he was more than helpful — unlike some of his colleagues in the Press room who pestered you for information when at Leopardstown , then pretended you were from another planet when you went to a big meeting in England .
30 In a way , it 's ended up being a good test to measure potentially good relationships against bad ones , because say I went out with someone and at a party they said , ‘ Sit on me lap , darling ’ , and then they said , ‘ Oh God , you 've only got one leg ’ — well , I 'd know they would n't be worth going out with !
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