Example sentences of "with [noun] that their " in BNC.

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1 They were a well-meaning but overwhelming family , and it was with difficulty that their prey escaped .
2 Eventually proposals of marriage are made and accepted , but during the ceremony — performed by Despina in disguise as the notary — military sounds are heard and the girls realize with horror that their original sweethearts are ‘ returning ’ .
3 A group of Puritans who felt that the Church of England was too close to the Roman Catholic Church had left England and gone to the Netherlands ; they noticed with regret that their children were becoming Dutch in speech and habits , and some of them decided that their best prospect of remaining both godly and English was to get in touch with the Plymouth merchants , obtain from them financial support and the legal right to found a colony , and go somewhere in America where English bishops would not interfere with them .
4 Dead metaphors have in common with idioms that their constituent elements do not , in the straightforward sense , yield recurrent semantic contrasts : consider , for instance , the contrast stone / knob in We shall leave no — unturned .
5 Official moves to placate the students with promises that their complaints would be looked into eventually succeeded .
6 All Wednesday evening and into the night , companies trickled in with announcements that their kit was being used as part of Nynex Corp 's new Nynex Enterprise Services high capacity digital private line service ( CI No 2,148 ) : the system will use more than 100 Sparcserver systems from Sun Microsystems Computer Corp to provide the services , and they will use Tivoli Systems Inc 's software to manage the services ; Dynatech Corp 's Parallax Graphics unit supplied its XVideo system to display digital video coming from up to two channels of live video display and one-channel video output , and Synernetics Inc , based in North Billerica , Massachusetts says it will supply a switching hub for the Enterprise Fibre Distributed Data Interface part of the system .
7 They are commanding and authoritative , bloated with conviction that their advice is right , the best thing for me .
8 There were plenipotentiaries in court uniforms so decked with gold that their coats seemed like sheets of light .
9 The discovery of impressive ruins which illustrated the past existence of a great Sinhalese-Buddhist civilization in the dry zone provided Buddhists with proof that their religion was not the cause of their colonial status .
10 They waited to be told as much , but after a few moments realized with surprise that their hosts were evidently less enthusiastic .
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