Example sentences of "with [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Peter put the tea tray down with difficulty on a table already strewn with books and papers .
2 The Dual Monarchy provided the Magyar gentry with self-government under a Habsburg ruler , leaving the subject peoples — the southern Slavs — as before .
3 He , along with the artists , masons , carpenters and other craftsmen frequently permeate their work with signs of a love of the task they have undertaken , which leaves the beholder in no doubt that they have given something of themselves over and above the requirements of loyalty to the paymaster and the desire to enjoy applying their crafts .
4 These are deep waters , but our cultural future now crawls with signs of a barely rational obsession with great memorial feasts , a never-ending British Day of the Dead .
5 Economists said the marginal increase to 1.8 per cent in February from 1.7 per cent in January coupled with signs of a stronger economy had sharply reduced the likelihood of another cut .
6 It filled you , with glory for a time , but the glory soon departed and then it left upon your spirit , oh , the most appalling ravages .
7 Well what 's wrong with footballer for a job ?
8 Six thousand miles away , Jill and Peter felt they too had made an investment of their time and the company 's money and pleaded with Bernard for a little longer to educate the American customer .
9 In both cases the choice is between the serious but dull ( when seeing Paul she had been completing her thesis on religious poetry ) and the creative but frivolous ( she collaborates with Bernard on a book about adultery in medieval literature ) .
10 Sheila stood rooted with horror for a moment .
11 Hugh and Joyce Gardiner have been with Timex for a total of 44 years and never believed that their fight could have reached such a pitch .
12 His first job in his chosen profession was with Ferranti as a publicity assistant under John Ford , a former BAIE national chairman , who got him to join the Association .
13 It 's something like with Birds of a Feather , and Dorian just burst out laughing , you know , she went , hahaha , I think it was down as part of the script ,
14 Often printed with patterns with a shadowy outline .
15 Lee 's proposed opening for the movie , based on a script written by James Baldwin , is an American flag being licked with flames behind a credit sequence until it forms the title X .
16 Whichever alternative is right , the trade unions ' bid for a share in the control of industry and , implicitly , to stand as an equal with Parliament as a body to which the nationalised industries should be accountable , could no longer be entertained .
17 The House of Lords was clearly reluctant to clash with Parliament on a matter within the scope of Parliamentary Privilege ( see Chap .
18 When de Lattre had visited Washington in September 1951 it was this theme , ‘ the ability of communist China to invade Indo-China and South-East Asia ’ that the State Department had chosen to stress in their briefing for President Truman and their up-beat assessment of the General who had transformed ‘ an army beset with defeatism into a force which has since won every major engagement against the communist forces ’ .
19 In my experience , children find it extremely frustrating to be fired with enthusiasm for a topic but then to find that they simply do not have the skill to express themselves .
20 THE ACTORS march on to the stage of the New Victoria in Newcastle-under-Lyme as an Italian town band , with Chorus in a red hat and sash beating the bass drum .
21 For example , if you fit SII wings and front panel with headlamps to a SIII , the lights would not meet legal requirements .
22 Nobody but himself knew what it had cost him to start riding with Nutty as a teacher , and to get to his present standard on the crazy little mare when he had been terrified out of his wits at the things she did .
23 Magdy Yacoub was summoned , and decided the only way to save the man would be to boost his heart with part of a cardiac support system that Yacoub borrowed at an international congress last October .
24 Karen looked sullenly down at the crazy paving , where a small ant was wending its way homeward with part of a dead butterfly on its back .
25 At the end of the gallery Mr Molloy has designed a tall wooden column inspired by the vertical nature of hangul , the Korean script , which has been inscribed with part of a Korean poem cycle .
26 An alternative to thinking that Harald had been in England since 1016 , and returned to Denmark with part of a disbanded fleet in 1018 , might be that he had in the interval been expelled from it , and sailed with the fleet in 1018 in an attempt to regain control .
27 The team is taking 26,000 baby dinners to orphanages in Iasi along with part of a consignment of shoes , baby milk , medicines and a full library of medical textbooks which were donated by North Tees General Hospital .
28 ARMY veteran Tom Clarkson had a special date yesterday with part of a bomb which hit him in the head during World War Two .
29 The young photographers have bought an old caravan with part of a £500 English Heritage Award for Youth Arts they won last March .
30 What then are we to do with cities without a memorable tower to flout ?
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