Example sentences of "you might be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , in a few months ’ time you might be called up . ’
2 You might be called to do it some other way as you get older .
3 I mean you might be overcharged for them .
4 Or you might be invited to a party , start to feel uncomfortable and have the courage to comply when your inner voice tells you to go , knowing that your guide will keep you safe from harm .
5 The nervous tension of dodging and ducking about a sky crowded with equally dodging and ducking planes , some firing , some looking as if they might fire at any instant , some sheering wildly away to avoid a collision ; and all the time trying to grab a quick shot at a mere point of light : all this brought back the strain of combat , when you were pressed on by the excitement of chasing the enemy , pulled back by the horror of shooting a friend , and periodically shaken with fright by the thought that at any second you might be cut in two .
6 All right — you might be mistaken .
7 You might be forgiven for thinking that the absorption of a stimulant would make you better able to function mentally — but in fact this is far from the truth .
8 Given all of the above , you might be forgiven for thinking that tennis and fitness are somewhat secondary to the social aspects of the club .
9 At the moment the opening screen looks a little blank and you might be forgiven for wondering what comes next .
10 You might be forgiven for thinking that I see an ideal speaker-hearer as someone who relies on everyone else to complete his conversational turns , never finishes a sentence , speaks very quickly and often with his mouth full , never answers questions , always repeats himself , says nothing without hedging , and invariably forgets what he wants to say — but who survives , if only by ending his utterance with a triumphant whatchamacallit .
11 You might be asked to learn a Guide song by heart , or learn to do something that will be useful at home .
12 Initially , you might be asked to " transmit for DF " .
13 The annual sum which you might be asked to pay depends on the degree for which you are studying or the topic of your research .
14 What can we get out of it and we 'll do that tomorrow , we 'll derive y'know estimates of expectations , co-efficients and and elasticities and it 's those sorts of things that you might be asked to in an exam but , you wo n't need to derive anything in your exams
15 If you 're unhappy with your face , I can see that you might be tempted .
16 This will keep you going when you might be tempted to give up .
17 But life is short enough , friends , and when the last copy of your favourite read has been snaffled a the newsagents you might be tempted to take Eric 's advice and head for the Cliffs Of Dover .
18 You are being seduced by your Ego 's love of melodrama and , since it can feel thrilling to dice with death , you might be tempted to walk rather too close to the edge of the cliff .
19 You might be tempted to attribute it to lowish wage rates ( at the Brasserie ? ) , but a good answer would produce figures to justify this assertion ( you know both the staffing structure and the total wage bill for 1983 , at least , so you could work out the average gross wage per annum and relate it to what you knew about catering wages for the period ) .
20 The reason why this happens would take too long to explain here , but it is not a fault in the program as you might be tempted to think !
21 You know being round here you might be tempted to do it but that 's why I just keep in me flat and out of the way .
22 You might be tempted , but it would n't be wise .
23 You might be tempted to say — ‘ If the ORCS are that good in a recession , watch our in a boom ! ’ .
24 It might , you might be tempted to walk along the embankment a little further and , and look along the bridge , and er , sort of straight at the tower .
25 That , that 's a sensible kind of conclusion to draw and perhaps this would meet Kirsty 's point as well , because the what you might be tempted to say is look erm , in our cultures we have , we have absorbed from our cultures ways of seeing the world , bits about history and things restructure our thoughts and even when we try and do something new , I 'd say let's have a revolution everybody , put up your barricades , you know , actually we had some great fun in the sixties with that erm the , when this happens there 's a tendency to nevertheless do it in the traditional way , in other words although obviously the sixty eight revolution was about a completely different issue than the seventeen ninety eight revolution , it was very much later in history .
26 or you might be tempted to put if it 's just one , one to ten or something , you might be tempted to put the wrong number in
27 or you might be tempted to put if it 's just one , one to ten or something , you might be tempted to put the wrong number in
28 So if you were on night duty , it was n't much use getting off early and going to bed for a couple of hours and then going to court — you might be engaged in court for a long time .
29 ‘ Do you think you might be biased , Dad ? ’
30 If you can make her laugh while you 're coming in her mouth , then you might be said to have arrived .
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