Example sentences of "you get [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've never known a place where ye get so much wine . ’
2 Bear in mind you 've got all the information there you know what what you are what yourselves and remember that just because these are the scores you got today that does n't mean that is what you are , it means they are probably the leanings that you 've got at the moment .
3 You could never believe just how big such places were until you got up close .
4 There a nice pair of fours ace high there er seven , pair of nines , ace high about all you got really that 's all of it whatever you got .
5 You got that much faith in him ? ’
6 It 's quite difficult to tell how much tape 's gone , if you got that much tape left , you think you can get more conversation on and you ca n't .
7 Put your hands up if you got that right .
8 No they get nothing , they 'd get , all they went on the dole , well they used to get , they used to get erm , say yeah well you would get welfare benefit what we call the club , you go on the club and you see used t I , my , apparently had a private club , you could have both you see you had the private club and you got so much from the government , the National Health .
9 See , you th you , you got so controlled , you knew the runs of the horses , you knew the ways of your horses , you knew the ways of your guvnor and , you change , you got to start a role all over again .
10 And you got so many slices of bread , so many pots of soup .
11 I went out I went out with Peggy er on Wednesday er for meal and she 's been saving Daily Telegraph vouchers and when you got so many vouchers you send them up to the Daily Telegraph , who 's sent them , it 's offers closed now and they send you a thing like a credit card and they send you a list of all the places that you can go to for a half- price meal
12 You see , you 've got the cold air coming in because you got so many , even with double glazing you got
13 You got so used to it .
14 You got ever such nice legs , ’ Dot said .
15 I would however prefer that you got as much advice as possible from the books first .
16 You got as good as you gave .
17 Er two bedrooms , it was a number sixty six Street in those days , there were new houses built on where it is now , I have n't been into Palfry for years but er there were five houses in the row , there was a family named at one end , there was us my nan of course we were next to , next to us was Mrs , a Mr and Mrs , and then er that was one side of the entry the other side of the entry was a family named , they had quite a large family , there was er two or three of those married Mrs and then er then Mrs they were all relatives , cos there was no such thing as overcrowding in those days you got as many in as you could you see , there was , another was Mr and Mrs she was a daughter of Mrs there was Mrs and Mrs she was another daughter of Mrs , and then er there were , there was a , a young man he was a son of Mrs , the were I think show people originally cos they were a bit anyhow there were five houses down the yard we had n't got running water in the sink , we had a , a big stone pump pipe in at the bottom of the entry we all had to go and draw out our own drinking water from this one standpipe .
18 Erm just because I got ten , if you got ten , you passed if you got under ten you 're a drip that 's what said .
19 Mind you got short that was a killer up round by place .
20 Er now after about two years , er you got more proficient and then , of course , you could also help with the stripping down of the waggons .
21 ‘ Yeah , ’ said I. ‘ You got more important things to do than fight with your brother .
22 ‘ But you got out unscathed , eh ?
23 no , you need n't , need n't take those you got out last Friday , its the earlier one 's of which will be due next week I 'm sure cos they 've put up the prices now , its about ten P every day you have them out .
24 You got very involved with a patient in a situation like this .
25 Er it erm er the result was that you was really working flat out all the summer , and then as the winter advanced , you got very short of work , and they put us on the dole , for half a week .
26 A student at Sheffield university then , he recalls : ‘ When you blew into your handkerchief , you got about three tons of coaldust .
27 What happens if we 've got an emergency situation and how come when you got about three or four different authorities to deal with that matter and the other thing that has been said people said it to me , the question of building and in some parts of West Sussex we 've got concrete jungles and that itself can cause flooding because water does n't drain would do through natural resources through its natural well drain away .
28 Like I said , you got about thirty-six hours . ’
29 Oh yes , and seeing whether you 'd yes , how you were coping with it and whether you got too involved or whether you did n't get involved enough or whether you actually were able to sort of get this balance between erm the sort of emotional support you give and the actual practical help which maybe they need in some sort of way , you know because I mean
30 ‘ Good job you got there first .
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