Example sentences of "you have [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 Ye 've made a mistake ! ’
2 The truth is , Ah suppose , if ye 've got a berg sailin' down on ye and ye 're trapped in the ice there 's no thickness of steel that will save ye from gettin' crushed .
3 ‘ But perhaps ye have made a mistake and it is really the Sicilian woman … ’
4 Erm I 'm just calling because I hear you 've written a book on Irish water spaniels .
5 See you 've made a mess on the board as well .
6 that one , but you see you 've introduced a policy of updating once a year
7 So is it you 've seen you 've wired a plug have n't you ?
8 When I began to be seen around camp with a new face , I was subjected to a lot of nudging and winking from those who did n't know the facts , and people came up to me with knowing smiles on their faces , saying , ‘ I see you 've got a new boyfriend !
9 Turning to guitars , I hear you 've got a stop tailpiece Ibanez that you 've been using .
10 I hear you 've got a good voice . ’
11 ‘ So glad to see you 've got a new sofa .
12 Two see you 've got a percent key marked there , how do you get
13 ‘ I see you 've got a visitor with you . ’
14 They 've developed a camera for your line for th for the mackerel , for the ma marlin and the shark fishing erm and basically you can actually watch you can , you can ac you 've got a your T V screen so it , it 's er , it 's like a spectator sport as well cos you can actually watch the , the , the fish coming to take your bait .
15 he says I see you 've got a towel up there
16 and it might be better for me to do it , see you 've got a
17 I hear you 've come a long way . "
18 Every one of you has made a contribution to the character of this institution and I take pleasure in acknowledging what each of you has done to make this such a satisfying academic and social environment .
19 ‘ Thought you 'd discovered a vile plot ? ’
20 ‘ You look as if you 'd seen a ghost , ’ was her greeting .
21 If you 'd done a P .
22 I thought you 'd done a runner and run away
23 Once you 'd done a new paragraph like they did like this blah blah blah in here .
24 She said if you went out alone in a tight skirt you were black and blue before you 'd gone a hundred yards .
25 Cos nowadays if you if you did something like that folk would say you 'd gone a bit funny .
26 I thought you 'd gone a bit shitty .
27 What about if you 'd received a harsher sentence ?
28 ‘ Not a thing , other than that you 'd expressed a wish to go there , and I wanted to see you . ’
29 And , because you 'd made a loss , you could , out of your taxed pension , introduce a couple of hundred pounds into the business as a capital in introduction , to keep the business running , and it would n't affect the profit figures at all .
30 ‘ At first I was prepared to think you 'd made a genuine mistake — that you 'd got the wrong boat . ’
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