Example sentences of "you and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Your consultant will be happy to contact you and arrange an appointment at a time to suit you .
2 Take your biggest fear , take three or four symbols ( for example , a door , an attic , a ring , a knife ) that hold significance for you and organise a story around the fear and the symbols .
3 Place the cone or ball on the floor beside you and hold the yarn above the carriage , in the position it would be in if it were threaded through the yarn mast .
4 Stare at something immediately in front of you and make a mental note of what you can see above that object and below it , to the right and to the left .
5 That 's the kind of thing that will get to you and make a difference in eight months of being in a popular band with a lot of money .
6 Once you have made your choice you should put the rest away out of sight , as they will only muddle you and make the job a lot more difficult .
7 I want to trawl with you and devour the sea-flesh .
8 ‘ No , he just kept asking for you and swearing a lot .
9 They 'll want to see you and take a statement .
10 Begin with the questions that are obvious to you and using the same method move on to devise questions which will tell you more complex information about the candidate .
11 Jump onto the lift to your right , then on the second lift , and finally onto a platform ( watch out for the bare wires ) , climb down the site of this second building if you wish to collect a couple of records , but it 's quicker and safer to climb up the purple wall above you and climb the four ladders , grab the crate and jump onto the platform on your left , kill the mugger , climb the ladder and grab another crate , climb another ladder , then another kill the workman in the process , run across to the right , jump before you touch the wire and you should land on the next platform .
12 When there was no further hope , Saga contacted you and offered the best alternative it could find at short notice and , as that was not acceptable , refunded your money in line with their contractual obligations to you .
13 But I went down Harold I tell you and got the job .
14 ‘ Luch , go you and get a spark from that woman 's fire . ’
15 Fly low , damn you and get the uniforms right . ’
16 I deeply regret my being unable to be with you and to join the memorial service and the dedication together with the related activities .
17 So that I could kill you and suck the warm blood from your neck .
18 He said miserably : ‘ Let me at least come with you and hail a cab . ’
19 Mitch goes with you and takes the necessary shots , ’ he added firmly , glancing at Mitch .
20 ‘ Once the novelty 's worn off , everywhere 's just like home , ’ she said , remembering the brief , pure joy of strange hotel rooms , which gradually became familiar as you unpacked the things you 'd brought with you and acquired the kind of things you were wont to acquire , so that very soon you recognized yourself in your surroundings and understood that there was no escape .
21 Then hold the yarn down and towards you and push the carriage further along the needlebed ( in the same direction as the last row was knitted ) until the weaving yarn is free .
22 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached , or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received , or a different gospel from the one you accepted , you put up with it easily enough .
23 Just the same as you can accept the fact that somebody says to you that I can not really afford your windows , right , just the same as when you first speak to them on the phone , you can say oh sorry , sorry to bother you and put the phone down because it said you
24 Leave it all behind you and cross the bridge beneath the restaurant that will help you escape south-west towards open country .
25 They 're gon na take one look at you and run the other way !
26 If you feel any resistance turn the wheel slightly towards you and move the card slightly , then again start turning the wheel away from you .
27 I want to cut you and lick the wound .
28 You should set it so that it is level with your shoulders ; to check this raise the mast beside you and mark the point .
29 I want to pull in the anchor with you and save the whale with you and bear a big child with you and live with you and know that we will never die .
30 Yes , I 'll come on that romantic stroll with you and watch the sunset as we did in Seville and I 'll remind you of it , just as you intend to remind me of it , and I 'll go with you all of the cruel way , Fernando , and when it 's all over I hope it gives you the satisfaction you crave . ’
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