Example sentences of "you said [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You were right , what you said about a triumph for the working man .
2 So getting back you know the fact that you said about a limited income so what does that in terms of foods you buy , what kind of things do you find do you buy actually s
3 - Stationers start overflowing with 1990 calendars , bearing pictures of thatched kittens. - After yet another new TV series , you start regretting all the rude things you said about the summer repeats .
4 You said about the the driver giving the left-hand indication as he 's about to leave the roundabout .
5 What you said that that what you said about the riots , was that is that what you 're talking about the riots the worry .
6 Do you think they took any notice of what you said about the telephone-box ? ’
7 You said about the hens making a lot , how did how did they work that as an industry with the eggs and things how did they collect and work ?
8 I , I erm would like to reiterate what you said about the quality of this report which I think Patrick had a finger in , I suspect .
9 You said about the buyer 's guide that it 's , that you were a representative of Friends Provident , you 're an employee and it 's very very important to stress that because people like Abbey National were appointed representatives but we are employees and that 's one of the things , that 's one of the good things you can get out of the buyer 's guide .
10 Yes and at the briefing , just tell us first of all what you said about the objective of the operation .
11 Coming back to what you said about the load carrier , we are supposed to no longer be in the nuclear game in the airforce , is n't that right coming out of the nuclear role ?
12 but I remember what you said about the squares
13 Reduction then on the personal sorry , can you repeat what you said about the reduction is made , made on the personal
14 No wonder you said about the credit
15 No , no you said at the start of this .
16 exactly , it 'll be cos we looked at this last week as you said at the end what happens dripping acid onto
17 I did not know how he would take all this ; but at the end of the interview he rose and said , ‘ I agree entirely with what you said at the beginning .
18 What I what I thought was , well let's have erm , Woodrow Wilson , okay , as you said at the beginning of the book , Freud admits that he did n't like Wilson , and that he felt betrayed by Wilson , like a lot of people in Central Europe did I suppose , because you know , Wilson came over erm , with fourteen points as the saviour of the world , and went away leaving with a piece of .
19 In other words , friends at the school and the idea , as you said at the very beginning of your paper , is to report without any kind of erm censorship or judgment .
20 You said at the beginning of the debate on this matter , you supported an orbital relief road system .
21 Erm whilst I 've not been able to produce an audited er set of accounts I do have er a set of figures for you erm and as you said at the the beginning of your opening er speech Mr Chairman that erm we had one or two losses during the year , those er in actual fact did n't erm affect us in thi this particular financial year as they were aimed at the September December period , but therefore they will be reflected in next year 's figures not or in the current year 's figures or the next annual general meeting 's figures .
22 At the end of the day though , the championship I think , tells you who is the best team of any one year and erm that 's the professional 's choice I think , if you said at the start of the year which = trophy we 'd like to win , we would have said the championship , erm we were top I think after two games and we fell away a bit since but erm the time to be tops after twenty two , so lets hope we can get up there .
23 You said at an earlier stage in this conversation erm that it 's always the defeated parties who are blamed for starting wars .
24 You said on the phone you did n't mind me being four foot eight . ’
25 What was it you said on the phone about needing to feel connected , affected , moved ?
26 Close to the Mayfair you said on the phone . ’
27 You said on the ‘ phone that there was no obvious sign of a forced entry .
28 From what you said on the phone , she 's kept a low profile too , which is lucky .
29 You said on the phone that he 'd called you in New York .
30 You said on the phone that you had a problem . ’
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