Example sentences of "you will need [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You will need sections for :
2 There are likely to be times when you will need specialist help .
3 Likewise , if you find you will need specialist equipment , even though this is easy to hire , you may prefer to leave the whole job to a specialist firm .
4 The fish , according to species , will need swimming space , and hiding places , and you will need accessibility for tank maintenance .
5 To run the program you will need DOS 3.0 or later , a hard disk and an EGA , VGA or SVGA graphics adapter .
6 To run the program you will need DOS 3.0 or later , a hard disk and an EGA , VGA or SVGA graphics adapter .
7 Or , you will need comma , amongst other things comma , three bricks and a length of rope .
8 You will need groups of three needles for the pattern so choose a number divisible by three , then add one stitch at each end for a seam .
9 Once you have some ideas of what would suit you , you will need help to take these ideas forward .
10 You will need help , ’ the wise old turtle told her .
11 So you will need skills in leading groups , getting people 's memories going , keeping them active .
12 Fitting or removing these tiled surrounds is a relatively simple job , but you will need assistance , as the tiled units are very heavy .
13 To run the software you will need Windows 3.0 or higher , a VGA monitor and graphics card , a hard disk with 3MB free memory , a mouse and a good sense of humour .
14 To run the software you will need Windows 3.0 or higher , a VGA monitor and graphics card , a hard disk with 3MB free memory , a mouse and a good sense of humour .
15 ‘ Today you will need ingenuity and initiative .
16 The pictures have to be developed and printed to a suitable quality for the media and you will need enlargements , possibly in some quantity .
17 Indeed , the more heroic you make your hero the more you will need moments of human weakness to make it easy for readers to have that sympathetic identification .
18 Note that the category of strictly sensitive information is , in practice , narrow and hard to establish , so if you want protection , you will need restraint clauses .
19 You will need pelmet buckram and bump to equal the exact size of your pattern .
20 You will need support from a trained counsellor at either a voluntary organisation like The Terrence Higgins Trust or a sexually transmitted disease clinic , in order to make a good informed decision .
21 If you want to extend your bathroom into a hallway or bedroom , and plan to put up a partition wall , you will need Building Regulations ' approval if this involves the demolition of a load-bearing wall .
22 Towards the end of August or early September you will need wood of the current year 's growth that is quite firm and mature .
23 And if you are to provide them with decent motives for a murder , and decently different ones as well , you will need room to do it in .
24 You will need fabric fractionally wider than the measured width , by the measured length plus a minimum of 20cm ( 8in ) to allow enough fabric to cover the roller when pulled down , and to form a channel for a lath .
25 Do check whether you will need planning permission or building regulations approval from your local authority .
26 You will need graph paper to the proposed length of the band .
27 Indeed , he went further to say that ‘ APPN is the commercial solution without any doubt , ’ and that ‘ We think that APPN will be the standard ; for routing SNA you will need APPN ’ .
28 You will need hessian sacking , soft string ( called ‘ fillis ’ ) and thick ‘ tarred string ’ , both of which you can obtain from the garden sundries store .
29 You will need airline to take the air into the tank .
30 What 's more , unlike your average greedy Windows word processor , it will run on a machine with a Hercules display and only 512Kb of RAM , although you will need 7Mb of spare hard disk space for the full installation .
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