Example sentences of "you would have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But even though they guaranteed to provide every customer who had allowed three quarters of an hour er for a meal , you know , you would have to lay down in very great deal would n't you ?
2 We said at the beginning of this chapter that you would have to choose when to use video rather than another classroom aid .
3 If you had a key signature you would have to remember to make that a natural would n't you ?
4 So you would you well you would have to carry on your life not as normal but you 'd have to eat would n't you ?
5 You would have to strip off the old veneer and put a whole new one on .
6 In winter it got so cold that you would have to wear your clothes in bed .
7 They create a drag-like static that slows him down and pollutes what you would have to call his aura .
8 Normally , unless you have one of these keys , you would have to call the water company 's engineers if you wanted the mains turned off for any reason — perhaps to work on the mains stopcock inside the house .
9 What is the smallest angle you would have to turn through to face Tobago ?
10 You 're forgetting that it 's Hilary you would have to turn to if you want me taken out .
11 And maybe next day you would have to turn them again t to dry .
12 To do that job you would have to take in all the deer in every year , weigh and measure them and give them their dose , and feed them while you did it .
13 Or or you would have to take the whole thing off again .
14 So in order to decide what quantity to supply you would have to form an expectation of the average , economy-wide price of the good .
15 You would be confined to the building , naturally , and you would have to live in the cells , but it would probably save your life . ’
16 But even they will blench if a marble statue waves at them , for you would have to live dealions of years longer than even they do to see a miracle of this magnitude .
17 The more accurately you wanted to measure the position of the particle , the greater the energy of the packet you would have to use and thus the more it would disturb the particle .
18 If you were to use a DOS word processor as well as a DOS spreadsheet in the Windows environment then you can use the same method but in this case you would have to use the Edit , Paste command in the Windows Control menu box .
19 Nestlé 's 3% limit sounds low , but to reach it you would have to put $600m into Nestlé shares .
20 It would always be the same : you would have to put off
21 Oh just a good arm full , a good arm full of a sheaf you would have to put down .
22 The only way of addressing that differently , if indeed the guideline is strictly applied , and you 're required to identify no more than a net increase of six hundred and forty thousand in ninety five , six , the second year of this programme , then you would have to put in additional line of further savings as yet to be identified .
23 was w would not go down very well , i it , it would mean overturning the whole emphasis of policy and it would mean going against So you , A you would have to change your policy , B you would have to force the process .
24 The Mid-Craven Fault is so deep that if you were to look south of Malham for the limestone that you see on Gordale Scar you would have to drill many thousands of feet below the earth 's surface before you came to it .
25 ‘ When we were first married , I knew you would have to spend quite a lot of time on your own , when I was tied up with business affairs .
26 The fact that we 've got partnership holders and sanctuary housing association , would seem to me that we 're quite likely to get relocation and we 've had all round the town at the moment , and you would have to agree that here is a very strong reason for , for the medical centre to be worried about the effect on the medical centre .
27 The answer is that you would have to slog it out all the way from London to Baghdad .
28 You would have to ask her that .
29 yes I , I would suggest that I , I do n't know the particular individual who put the words together , but you would have to ask Mr the marketing director for that information
30 When considered in relation to the length of time you would have to wait at any particular junction in order to observe an accident it is probably accurate to characterise road accidents as low frequency occurrences .
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