Example sentences of "you have [to-vb] on " in BNC.

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1 Assuming the diet is effective , and you discover what foods or additives cause the problems , then you have to decide on a plan of action .
2 The whole thing exacerbates the class system in Britain and that is why if you want a classless society — as the Prime Minister claims he does — then you have to act on it , not just talk about it like John Major .
3 If you want to know what the messages are , you have to listen on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday next week by the way .
4 If you have to sit on it to close it , it 's too full
5 You have to sit on the sit on the floor .
6 You can have the greatest ideas in the world for improving competitive edge , but you have to rely on other people to carry them out , from senior managers down to labourers . ’
7 You have to rely on your instincts to pull you through .
8 You have to rely on customers to be sufficiently street-wise to act as rational individuals .
9 I had never done anything like that in my life , but I found that having to do it was in the end very exciting because you have to rely on the Lord and he supplies help in unforgettable ways .
10 The distinctions between them are greater and the guarantee of quality is more uncertain , so you have to rely on experience , advice and a decent shop to help .
11 If you are dieting in the long term , you may need to take multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement ( e.g. Diet Balance ) — if you need to be on a weight-loss programme for more than 10 weeks , or if you have to rely on prepared reduced-calorie meals , and especially if you have any of the signs of vitamin or mineral deficiency .
12 You have to rely on other things , other people .
13 You have to die on other people 's terms , and that 's a bore , love them as you might .
14 But if you have to manage on meagre resources , you will cope well .
15 You told me you have to manage on what you earn — dashed bad luck , I know — but for your own sake , you need to face facts .
16 Fine , well so er you have to allow on the .
17 Well , yes , it can be that easy if you are only moving fairly slowly , but bear in mind that to stop in a reasonable distance you have to hold on the control long enough to raise the nose and apply a braking force .
18 erm , erm it might not be erm particularly helpful , but having thought about it again I , I quite like you , in , at least in broad outline er to hear what you have to say on the aspect orusese gnitteg ton er'uoy dias
19 But you have to live on a reservation for a time , like San Carlos , to see that caring for Indians is not a simple matter of giving them food and clothing . "
20 You have to go on special courses to carry guns
21 just outside Newbury you have to go on the M four
22 You have to put on a completely different hat . ’
23 Before you are allowed into the room in which the regalia are kept , you have to put on felt overshoes , as though the treasures were subject to being disturbed by excessive scuffling of feet .
24 It is the latter statement which you have to take on trust .
25 And you , but you , of course you have to take on something .
26 Well no , you have to scarify it and then you have to you have to carry on the work , you ca n't sort of do it and then think , ooh I 'll leave it for a couple of months .
27 The p/e ratio measures the amount of money you have to spend on shares to have a given amount of earnings next year and is a key gauge used by te City in assessing the price of shares .
28 Do n't forget that if you are going to quote other people at length , you have to check on whether you 're going to be in breach of copyright , you have to be careful how to quote things , and do n't forget that if you are actually quoting you need to give some indication of where the quotation comes from and make and check out that that 's all right , either by getting permission or , or actually giving , there 's a certain degree of flexibility .
29 You feel like an intruder in the changing room You have to knock on the door .
30 The normal pension rules apply including , of course , the fact that , if you have to depend on your husband 's contributions , you will not be able to get a pension until he is both 65 and in receipt of his own pension .
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