Example sentences of "you that [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was you that made me like him .
2 It was you that taught me to be a Darwinist , a decent gradualist .
3 Analysis is a very slow process and it takes a long time to weed through the past and try to discover what things happened to you that affected you .
4 ‘ It 's nuts like you that put it there .
5 I saved you that put it on his bike .
6 It 's the thought of you that keeps me going when I begin to flag or feel a bit faint-hearted …
7 ‘ It was thinking I 'd lost you that brought me to my senses .
8 No , it 's Greg and you that got me on to saying that .
9 Oh I see so it was you that got them together oh
10 ‘ I 've been telling myself I would n't let this happen , ’ he rasped , ‘ but there 's something about you that drives me to the edge of my control . ’
11 I can only tell you that had I done that …
12 When you are driving a racing car and you are taking it up to the limit , you can be nice , you can be charming , but somewhere there are undercurrents going for you that make you a pretty aggressive individual . ’
13 ‘ I know it was n't you that set me up , Cardiff .
14 You can hide in your shell whenever you get that feeling inside you that tells you you are angry .
15 ‘ The thing inside you that tells you what you are , ’ said the Thing .
16 It 's you that told me about him was n't it ?
17 So it could n't have been you that told him that er and were associates .
18 Oh I do n't know he under , when you that told he understood it a lot more than when she said it and she sort of went all
19 Was it you that give us a card ?
20 'T IS not her glass but you that flatters her ,
21 BELVILLE : 'T IS y love to you that makes me more delicate than otherwise I would be .
22 Does it always bother you when a man comes within touching distance , or is it just the effect I have on you that makes you flinch away ? ’
23 Do you that think we use to much medicine too often these days ?
24 When he saw on television the public cheering me and reaching out to shake my hand , he said , ‘ You know , it 's not everyone who says ‘ well done ’ to you that means it .
25 Yeah but there was more of you so the more of you that works they 're not gon na pay you are they ?
26 It 's got ta be you that puts them on you .
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