Example sentences of "you 'll need [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You 'll need long johns , ’ I went on gleefully , ‘ and thermal underwear and layers of greasy-wool sweaters and good oilies and a woolly hat and a towelling scarf to stop the seas slopping down your neck and good sea-boots and as many pairs of gloves as you can find , because gloves never stay dry and — ‘
2 The first time you try it you 'll find it difficult to keep the nose planted that far down , Stuka-like ; but remember , starting at FL 300 even at that rate you 'll need two minutes to get down to breathing levels , which encourages a firm push on the yoke .
3 Two footswitch sockets allow for the connection of optional footswitches ( you 'll need two ) to access EQ and compression .
4 You 'll need two cars for this one , but a round can be made of the traverse by coming back via the Brandy Pad .
5 So then I 'll need to go and get my pads and my bandages so that I can put this right , you 'll need two of these for this bandage , the first one , you open out so that the pad is going to go into the palm of her hand and that over the top and she is going to grab hold of the other one like that , okay , now we 've got the wad in there and she 's hanging on to it , but it was the sterile part of the bandage as I undid it that went on to the wound , there is no time for dressing here is there ?
6 You 'll need two of these because we want two O Hs to go with those two O Hs .
7 You 'll need two plastic buckets , a couple of pounds of ‘ pea shingle ’ from the local builders ' merchant and a few drops of rosemary oil available from health stores or chemists .
8 You 'll need two hands for that particular job . ’
9 You 'll need four pieces 4′ , 4′ , — and 16″ and 16″ or if you can cut nice mitred corners adjust the lengths accordingly .
10 You 'll find you 'll need that space to write marginal notes ( e.g. to make connections ) , to add queries and follow-up points when you come to reread your notes for revision purposes ( see Chapter 13 on pass those exams — and stay human ) .
11 If you compare the the positions one oh beg your pardon you 'll need that out .
12 because you 'll need that to get back in .
13 And you 'll need that machine there back a bit from the television as I 've already told you .
14 You 'll need all your guile and sagacity to help your owner over this tiresome period , but your efforts will be amply rewarded and appreciated .
15 You 'll need all your strength . ’
16 As well as motivation , drive , ability and hard work , you 'll need all the help you can get .
17 To make matters worse , all the inventions are hidden in the various objects scattered around the cave system , so you 'll need all your wits about you if you 're to do it .
18 And if you 're to try and fill her shoes , which I very much doubt you 'll ever do , but if you 're to be even half the woman that she was , may God have mercy on her , then you 'll need all the reminding I can give you . ’
19 You 'll need all your wits about you to tackle the weekend 's infuriating drama .
20 And you 'll need one of these . ’
21 You 'll need one egg for each Brownie .
22 You 'll need one card for each Brownie in the Pack .
23 If you want to try Kevin Woodford 's recipe for Lamb in puff pastry ( page 65 ) , or you saw Delia Smith use a pastry trellis in her Christmas cookery series , you 'll need one of these handy lattice pastry cutters .
24 No , you 'll need one or the other .
25 So you can go ahead with your Malawis , but bear in mind that you 'll need extra tanks for their fry and for the Julie fry ( you need to remove these at about 1″ — carefully and gradually , to avoid parental upsets ) .
26 If camping overnight you 'll need still more space in which to carry tent , sleeping bag and mat and cooking equipment , and for longer periods you 'll need extra clothes as well .
27 There are complex issues to be considered in relation to the virus and you 'll need professional help and expert guidance .
28 then Jean , you 'll need proper su so you 'll need sunglasses .
29 You 'll need fucking help .
30 Riding the ‘ Double Ferris Wheel ’ awards its own bonus or a quick score and , as with most pinball tables around at the moment , there 's a multiball feature that sends a multitude of steel balls singing around ( you 'll need three eyes and four arms to keep them all in play for any decent amount of time ! ) .
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