Example sentences of "you may be [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or you may be a carer looking for help to enable you to take a break , either for regular short spells , or to go on holiday or in an emergency .
2 You may be a dragon , but I am a child .
3 Sorry , Charity , you may be a great fan but to Hell with Hitler — and Mussolini too .
4 You may be a help later . ’
5 You may be a little surprised to learn that we want you to weigh each day .
6 You may find yourself having to take notes at a meeting , you may be a student or engaged in research , so here are some hints to help with your note-taking technique .
7 In some Homes , you may be a key worker , working with perhaps three or four other care assistants .
8 You may not be a salaried person at all , you may be a student or a retired person with no mortgage left to pay .
9 The letter should explain that you have the right qualifications , and say that you are willing to learn those you do n't have : you may be a competent typist , for example , but need a few hours to learn how to use a word processor .
10 You may be a sign that avoids deep , dark and passionate waters but often what you most fear turns out to be the best thing for you .
11 We will be looking at a wide range of candidates — you may be a new graduate , or in mid-career and looking for a change of direction , or returning to employment after a career break .
12 ‘ After all , ’ Tealtaoich had said silkily , ‘ you may be a bastard , my friend , but you are a High Queen 's bastard and you were sired by a Wolf .
13 Or you may be a personal friend of Lucian Freud — lucky old you .
14 You may be a newly appointed manager who needs to acquire management skills quickly .
15 You may be a little choosy about the kinds of creatures you enjoy .
16 ‘ Papa says you may be a murderer , ’ was her ingenuous opening gambit .
17 Then you may be a victim of ‘ Sick Building Syndrome ’ ( SBS ) ( honest ! ) .
18 Now , you may be a little embarrassed to discuss how you work with people other than in this classroom , although , as the course goes on , you 'll find more and more people doing Hamlet in other classes , and you might find , especially when you 're in the upper sixth , when someone in the lower sixth comes to you and says , what does this mean that you can talk about it with them , okay .
19 ‘ Lucy , darling , you may be a married , pregnant lady five years my senior , but I honestly wonder which of us is the most gullible and naïve ! ’
20 You never know dear , you may be a very very fit ninety five .
21 You may be no stranger to our Tattoo and indeed this information may come to you at your own request .
22 If you let the past dictate the present and prejudice your quality of life , then you may be the loser .
23 You may be the one person to bring about improvements which will benefit many others as well as yourself .
24 If you ca n't resolve the query or dispute with your customer then you really do have a problem and having a court decide for you may be the only solution .
25 So few people know first aid ( for some strange reason it 's not taught in most schools ) that you may be the only one who can plug the wound and stop the bleeding .
26 With one friend you may be the epitome of patient listening , with another the garrulous fool .
27 You may be the kind of person who finds it easier to have sex than to talk about it , whether with new or regular partners .
28 What is certain is that , although a lot of ‘ experts ’ are ready to tell you what to do — and you may be the kind of gardener who merely wants a set of step-by-step instructions — the point entirely missing is that it is you , and only you , who has to use your judgement and make the decisions .
29 For example , you may be the greatest athlete in the world but your capacity to influence my behaviour is very small if I do not know you are a famous athlete or do not value athletic ability .
30 How do you know but that you may be the next child that may die ? …
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