Example sentences of "you [vb mod] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aye , ’ Paddy said , looking at Winnie , ‘ ye must have a right fat purse tae be going away tae London . ’
2 ‘ But ye 'll leave a note ? ’
3 Now as you let's have a look at er the track layout of the place .
4 Of course you may specify a time : ‘ Come away from the edge of the platform immediately ! ’ ,
5 This option enables you to read an entire package structure from LIFESPAN into any VMS directory ( you may specify a different directory for each package in the structure , if you wish ) .
6 I only ask because you may miss a rare opportunity to improve you life in April , due to misplaced prejudice .
7 Although you may drop a dress size or see the scales tipping in your favour after only a week or two , all too often the results are short-lived .
8 Unless you think it 's really necessary and then you may drop a hint .
9 You may place a 5cm ( 2in ) thick block of wood under the balls of your feet to make the exercise harder .
10 There promises to be something for everyone and you never know — you may discover a hidden talent !
11 You may discover a hidden self in a racing car on a high-speed circuit .
12 You may choose a video for the subject matter covered or for the instruction in a particular technique .
13 YOU may pay a non-refundable premium per yacht to insure against any claims for accidental loss or damage to the yacht or its equipment .
14 With luck you may effect a recapture the same day by one or other of the methods described .
15 At first glance , you may not notice any obvious differences , but if you look more closely you may spot a slight increase in the graininess of the picture at the LP speed , especially in the darker areas or if you were shooting in poor light .
16 Keep an eye open and you may spot a barnacle goose or a Bewick 's swan .
17 The general answer is that you may copy a sound cassette or a video tape or disc for private use , but if it is copied again and again for commercial gain it is a clear breach of copyright and could lead to legal action .
18 Canine relationships are also good and you may meet a long-haired mutt of doubtful pedigree but winning ways , who will prove a good chum .
19 You may meet a saddler who is the sixth generation of his family to carry on making bell harnesses .
20 You may prefer a large and simple paved terrace area , or something smaller , incorporating raised beds and a barbecue .
21 You may prefer a different way .
22 Of course in practice you may prefer a slightly more subtle prompt — maybe just a W to act as a flag for you to remember to type EXIT .
23 However , you may prefer a lower figure with a different on-going environment and on this I need your guidance .
24 You may bring a woman photographer , ’ Felipe de Santis said coldly , turning back to her with an astonished look that she should consider questioning him .
25 But if this is your only way of relaxing then you may acquire a weight problem .
26 It does not matter that you may perceive a witness to be a witness for the opposition ; although it will happen rarely , if they are prepared to see you , go and see them .
27 You may favour a different way , but try them all and see .
28 This can reduce weight but it also constitutes drug-taking , for which you may face a lifetime ban .
29 If you own sale falls through you may face a hefty interest bill .
30 And however tasteless you may think a gift is , it does n't automatically make it useless .
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