Example sentences of "you [vb mod] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 You may discover things you have never noticed before .
2 Did you know that as a member of Convocation you may borrow books from the Clifford Whitworth University Library and have access to the Library 's collections ?
3 Alternatively you may bring travellers cheques with you .
4 Alternatively you may bring travellers cheques with you .
5 A comprehensive complement of file management operations is also provided , each mapped to a function key — you may make directories , rename file , delete files and directories and view files , both on the master and slave machines .
6 Please include information about your service of product , plus information on who uses or buys it , and give a detailed description of the product and how it is make ( you may sent pictures ) .
7 Thus you may do strawberries , raspas , or red currans , put in raw cream whole , or serve them with wine and sugar in a dish without cream . "
8 You may do letters but do n't mess it up .
9 You may entertain visitors in your room and invite people to visit whenever they wish .
10 You may delete references , amend references and add completely new ones .
11 You may move cards off in ascending order from Ace to King to their respective piles off the playing area .
12 You may throw cells together at random , over and over again for a billion years , and not once will you get a conglomeration that flies or swims or burrows or runs , or does anything , even badly , that could remotely be construed as working to keep itself alive .
13 When logged on to VMS , you may obtain details of how to access LIFESPAN by typing ‘ HELP LIFESPAN ’ .
14 The High Synagogue now houses a textile museum and you may buy tickets here for all the museums in the ghetto .
15 Holy Isle and the Farne Islands are ideal for nature lovers — here you may see seals and puffins .
16 If you go there after dark now , you may see UFOs and small-headed hominoids 12 feet tall .
17 You may see groups of children around the community studying water life or bird watching .
18 If you pin all your hopes on it , you may see improvements where there are none , and in the long run this could be very damaging to your child .
19 Now you may see athletes you know when you see the Olympics there 's the the lady with er erm
20 You may see traces of blood when you brush your teeth .
21 Otherwise you may take flowers or foliage out of the press before they are ready , thereby ruining them .
22 In the future you may receive mailings from other organisations which offer value to you as a customer of Thames Water .
23 You may reject tarantulas , in favour of otters , even though both are capable of giving a good bite .
24 When you ‘ look ’ with sound you may discern things not visible with light or electron beams ; it is even possible to look inside a piece of material , whether a living cell , a printed circuit or a block of metal .
25 You may write articles , you may write little bits and actually send them .
26 Same way on your broad spreadsheets , you may include sources of references , mainly people that you 've spoken to , that provided you information .
27 With the building trade in heavy recession , you may find builders approaching you once the council publishes brief details of your planning application ( if planning approval was necessary ) in the local press under the heading of Public Notices .
28 If you have not done this before , you may find things a bit stiff .
29 Often , you may find larvae of other kinds of insect sharing the same gall .
30 Towards the back , you may find exclusions of statutory rights which have never been mentioned in your discussions with management .
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