Example sentences of "you [vb base] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But if ye do not have self-control , let ye marry , for it is better to marry than to burn . ’ ’
2 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus , whom we have not preached , or if ye receive another spirit , which ye have not received , or another gospel , which ye have not accepted , ye might well bear with him .
3 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus , whom we have not preached , or if ye receive another spirit , which ye have not received , or another gospel , which ye have not accepted , ye might well bear with him .
4 To those in Rome who had trusted Christ alone for salvation the Apostle Paul wrote ‘ Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba , Father .
5 In a voice hesitant between exultation and awe he read out : ‘ Saint John , the fifteenth chapter and the sixteenth verse : ‘ Ye have not chosen me , but I have chosen you . ’ ’
6 And then , to Shrewsbury — ‘ Ye have not chosen me , but I have chosen you . ’
7 What that means is that when you 're facing up to foreign situations , you tend to pull together you tend not to divide you tend not to emphasise the differences between you .
8 Which you tend not to do so much for the shorter ones .
9 So you tend to gradually come round to the view that unless it 's causing very bad visual pollution , or you 've had a run of complaints about it , then you tend not to take a stat . ’
10 When you actually achieve something you tend not to mention it so much .
11 What that means is that when you 're facing up to foreign situations , you tend to pull together you tend not to divide you tend not to emphasise the differences between you .
12 Yes but you tend not to get recycling of housing land of housing , you tend to get recycling of housing land , new housing land from outworn industries , nonconforming use , that type of erm recycling is just what I had in mind .
13 In some ways , in fact , it 's a bit less worthwhile , in that you tend not to think about social matters , people 's characters and things like that .
14 Oh I see , you mean not get it till then ?
15 You mean not fucking me , Fergus , is that what you mean ? ’
16 Hampton M. Vins PS I hope you will charge your lowest price for it , and if you please not to send a duffil one , but a cloth one , full yard long , fail not on Wednesday , please to send it by Mr. Field the Waterman , who comes to the Beehive , at Queenhithe , pray do n't send a duffil one but a cloth one .
17 But you appear not to have noticed a few glaring facts like that women in general do n't rape men , or beat them up , or design weapons or make the laws and enforce them or hold enough jobs of influence and authority to make an iota of difference to the way this bloody patriarchal shit-heap is run . ’
18 There 's laws and laws as you seem not to know . ’
19 do n't need any more of that , you know not to drink and drive you wan na learn your roundabouts , junctions and that and get how to give way and
20 I mean is this being true to yourself and letting yourself down and you know not saying what you feel you should 've said erm perhaps now I wan na talk about one area in particular and that is this thing about you know submissiveness it seems that most people look at things that disturb you either as submissive or aggressive .
21 I said just do it and I said thing is if she just ignores you I said you know not to bother next year .
22 He 's you know not talking to me now .
23 The report is expensive and can not be sold to another buyer if you decide not to proceed .
24 By shutting this door to exclude fear , even if you have to do it a million times , you are making the statement that you decide not to let that thought feed on your life 's energy .
25 If you decide not to go ahead , just return the policy within 15 days and that will be the end of the matter .
26 If you decide not to go ahead , just return the Policy within 15 days .
27 Even if you decide not to join , our branches are always glad to give you their support , but by actually joining you would give us CPRW a stronger voice both locally and nationally .
28 If you decide not to continue with the claim or if it is unsuccessful , you will still have to pay our bill .
29 If you decide not to call the witness the other side can still call them , but you can then cross-examine on the basis of the original statement to destroy their credibility .
30 If you decide not to have a test for HIV then you should still follow the guidelines for safer sex and safer drugs use .
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