Example sentences of "you [vb base] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ( I read Matthew 's Sura 's piece last month and I thought he caught you bang to rights . )
2 Got you bang to rights .
3 But best is last , as we 've got you bang to rights handling stolen property . ’
4 And you sell to amateurs , to anybody .
5 Then erm names , babies I if a baby 's christened Timothy er it gets called Timmy or Nicholas gets called Nicky , which sort of ties in with the biscuits being called bickie and horsie and doggie and all this sort of ee things that you say to babies .
6 Whichever way you react to Rottweilers , you will lose .
7 because erm when you listen to Gardeners ' Questions
8 When you are blind , you listen to things very carefully .
9 and erm if you listen to things on the radio they they have at the end of a sentence or at the end of some sentence quite a pause for a second before they go on
10 Er there 's a sense also in which memories may not be an individual phenomenon but may be a collective phenomena and if you listen to families reminiscing about things or people who 've know each-other for a long time reminiscing about things , different people supply different details , they contradict one-another , they erm fill things in , they say no it ca n't have been then because um because that was the Christmas when Uncle Sydney had his kidney stones and um y'know stuff like that .
11 You object to animals in circuses ,
12 Please make sure you speak to others around you at church and not just your own special friends .
13 Do you always take your clothes off when you speak to Conservatives ? ’
14 When you speak to strangers or acquaintances you meet , do you
15 If I stay , I can make you the best horsewoman in the district — one your husband will be proud of and one that the other ladies will envy when you ride to hounds . ’
16 If you want to see how you look to others , ask a friend to film you on video as you walk along .
17 You jump to conclusions . ’
18 You must have got something you wear to parties ? ’
19 Er before you get to hotels .
20 When you get to vehicles over and above that , we run into problems where people that have
21 To the side of the sink , under the draining-board , were half-empty sacks and bags which contained cereals , wood shavings and what looked like the sort of seeds you feed to birds rather than the ones you roll with tobacco .
22 You talk to others and think .
23 If you talk to women in the sort of project where she 's working , I think you do get a very strong picture of people who have very little confidence in themselves and certainly think that education is not for them , and if you then look at projects like second chance for women , there 's a range of access projects , particularly for for people who want to get back into education when they think that they 've had precious little chance to get anything out of education when they were at school themselves .
24 At the moment if you talk to women , the women you 've been talking about , about going into parliament , I mean it 's a laugh , is n't it ?
25 Now um I suppose in that context um one of the things that makes this perhaps rather difficult to understand is the way in which y'know kind of when you look at children playing , when you talk to children , they 'll often express a good deal of curiosity about sexuality um both to each-other and to adults .
26 If you convert to pounds the rate will be very low .
27 The more you fear financial loss , the blinder you become to solutions .
28 Gust response If you respond to gusts efficiently , without sheeting out to maintain control , you can gain many metres from each gust .
29 It 's not whether you 're black or white , it 's not whether you 're pink or green , it 's how you respond to orders .
30 And how quickly you respond to orders situations .
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