Example sentences of "you [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Weisshorn , Jungfrau , Grandes Jorasses and Mont Blanc will be familiar names , but have you heard of the Parrotspitze of Vincent Pyramide ?
2 ‘ Have you heard of the Penal Times ?
3 Have you heard of the man who was on two diets ?
4 Have you heard of the Tottenham pudding ?
5 Have n't you heard of the Geneva Convention ?
6 Have n't you heard of the sorcery wars between the Amaranths and the Tyrians ?
7 Firstly have you heard of the British Philatelic Bureau ?
8 ‘ Have you heard of the city of Bes Palargic ? ’
9 Never mind the West Indies , have you heard of the Wet & Windies ?
10 Have you heard of the Thirty Years War ?
11 And they said Bowater and I said well I have never heard of you and then they said have you heard of the paper ?
12 ‘ Have you heard about the intended evacuation ? ’
13 Have you heard about the Tory moderate who hit the cheerful-looking palmist on the nose ?
14 HAVE you heard about the dyslexic devil worshipper ?
15 Have you heard about the oui change in Coronation Street ?
16 Have you heard about The Chokey ? ’
17 ’ Have you heard about the big stink along in Information ? ’
18 But have you heard about the metamorphosis demonstration out on the main plaza ?
19 have you heard about the wallet fiasco ?
20 Oh God you have n't , have you heard about the fifth year toilet yet ?
21 Have you heard from the people yet ?
22 And , have you heard from the erm cousins and er
23 What name have you given to the Water Hen which migrates to us yearly — or which did migrate last year and the year before .
24 What choice have you given to the hundred thousand people , hundred thousand people , whose mortgages have been repossessed , who have been made homeless by the policies of your Government ?
25 What choice have you given to the seventy five families that tonight are in bed and breakfast in this city with children ?
26 ‘ Had n't you checked through the old bank statements ? ’ he asked tightly .
27 Why have n't you checked with the others on the team ?
28 Have you fallen for the coy-virgin act , my darling ?
29 Many techniques for stress reduction can be appropriated by the same injunctions to succeed that got you stressed in the first place , and should be discontinued if you spot that they have been subverted in this way ( unless your goal has also changed along the way from stress reduction to record-breaking ) .
30 Have you looked under the stairs ?
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