Example sentences of "you [adv] [verb] we " in BNC.

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1 Ye really think we should ? ’
2 ‘ I do n't know if it should be that important if everything we do is based on good sound scientific principles , because if people perhaps in the same industry are situated in different places in the estuary , y'know , if one was to point the finger at the other and say ‘ But you allow him to discharge such and such and you only let us do this ’ , then we should be able to turn round and say , ‘ Ah yes , but you 're discharging in a different place and the river quality in this different place needs different treatment . ’
3 We , you only gave us the themes .
4 If you only give us fifty percent , well I think we 've got funny conversations .
5 As you rightly say we ahve four eyars befoer the next general election .
6 thank you so have we got this right beyond measure in the chain , the responsibility in the group of companies , you bring to the attention of your board and ultimately to Mr the fact of your concern about the centre piece
7 's Thank you below gives us an insight into what she personally appreciated and might help others in the future .
8 Alright , yes , O K. Right , who , who 've we got left , Mark , you better tell us about Mary right .
9 If you need owt you better give us a ring .
10 Otherwise if erm if you desperately need us sort of thing if you ring the vicarage and then you can erm Alison or somebody will probably be in and come round for
11 Chicka looked up , wincing with the exquisite pain of an extraordinary victory and said , ‘ I know you , mate , you fucking tipped us .
12 Er cos I think you just told us that man you know
13 Er , and a completely separate question now , entertainment er , could you just tell us a bit more about what 's happening at Alton Towers and also how you think it 's gon na be affected by EuroDisney ?
14 Can you just tell us what you 've done to your entrance pricing for your various entertainment centres and also can you tell us why the Canadian profit 's almost doubled in the year ?
15 Mr we will show the jury in in just a moment but could you just tell us first of all what the card says , in general terms .
16 Could you just remind us of what it actually means to the economy of this country .
17 Could you just give us a moment to find that ?
18 You just said we had to leave her out of the conversation ! ’
19 I mean , if you just tell us what you
20 You just tell us where he is . ’
21 You just tell us where he is . ’
22 I said now you can shut that up right away , cos I said you know it 's not I said er now if you want us to try to help you out on this you just tell us what you did .
23 You just get us there .
24 You just keep us posted , let us know how they 're getting on .
25 Why do n't you just kill us outright — right now .
26 Could you just let us into his rooms so she can get them ?
27 Could you just let us know ?
28 Unless you just leave us all here to die . ’
29 Despite the result on Saturday you still felt we had a lot to do .
30 Could you possibly help us out .
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