Example sentences of "you [verb] your [noun] " in BNC.

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1 the best , do n't mess with the best till ye passed your test , do n't need to mess with the best .
2 D' ya want your head scratching do you ?
3 D' ya want your slippers on ?
4 D' ya want your application form back ?
5 He said : ‘ Will ye buy your tickets now ?
6 Why d' ya leave your music on ?
7 Yeah , because if ya , if ya , get it before ya start your business .
8 Well yes you 're putting well I mean how d' ya put your tights on with one hand then ?
9 How d' ya cook your food ?
10 As you pick your way through the minefield of the remaining holes , you are gradually working your way uphill , until finally you arrive on the 18th tee .
11 I tell you now can , you can pick , you pick your friends but you ca n't
12 When you pick your Debs card up .
13 And you look through every horse wherever you want to put your horse in them races are in that Calendar and you pick your race out , put your horse in , pay your forfeit .
14 If you find a new diet in a magazine , or you decide to lose weight , the chances are that you pick your day for starting but make no special preparation plans .
15 You might have time to savour the moment , while you watch him approach , while you pick your shot ; but then it 's all movement , whatever route you 've chosen , whatever method for getting clear .
16 You pick your side and fight for it .
17 You pick your paper up ?
18 It is another of life 's 765 secrets that you never do the best things deliberately , you pick your pleasures up along the way , by accident .
19 It was a question of : You pick your partner and I 'll pick mine . ’
20 In fact you find it high up in your nose , remember that next time you pick your nose .
21 As long as you pick i If you pick your corner carefully ,
22 Do you adapt your skincare routine accordingly ?
23 I am not suggesting that you should collapse in a soggy heap if you bang your head or shut your finger in the door ; but suppressing tears when you are really unhappy is suppressing the grief itself and this can be harmful in several ways :
24 Are you enjoying your success , Julius ?
25 Are you enjoying your Chronicles of Narnia ?
26 Then she smiled though her eyes remained cold as winter and said , ‘ Are you enjoying your time in the Army ? ’ — as if she were making conversation in a drawing-room , Carrie thought , instead of standing in a hay field in summer in a long , silk ball gown .
27 When you trust your people , they can stand the challenge .
28 Because you trust your doctor .
29 ‘ Just like the Japanese , you tend your gardens , have tea ceremonies , revere royalty , are inclined to be puritanical and drive on the left . ’
30 ‘ Sometimes you push your luck , you do .
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