Example sentences of "that people [modal v] get " in BNC.

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1 After the opening of his much acclaimed film of Henry V , Kenneth Branagh said he was worried that his high media profile could lead to a ‘ Branagh backlash ’ , and that people might get ‘ bored rigid ’ reading about him .
2 Do you think you also were hitting the rawest of nerves within the church , and maybe within Archbishop McQuaid himself , by suggesting there may be homosexuality among priests and even implying that people could get pleasure from sex ?
3 British Rail has consistently argued that people will get off the channel tunnel trains and get on to one of the five underground lines going through King 's Cross station , and that that will somehow solve the problem of increased passenger traffic .
4 I have a , a little formal statement which I 've composed which says a very strong thing , and then I have you know , just a , a , quite a lot of little pieces of information that I 'm composing so that people will get a , a view of me in my little journey .
5 I do n't see the support of victims of crime as a separate service provided by a small specialist agency but as something which should be much more widely accepted like sickness or bereavement , so that people can get a more sensitive and understanding response from their employers , neighbours , doctors and so on . ’
6 It is rather that people can get to the stage of remembering some experiences , quite often the good ones , that were shared with the person who has died .
7 yo you 're suggesting is what is happening now and so many of us he no he not just here but in population generally belong to all sorts of pressure groups erm whatever they may be like Greenpeace and many others erm really it 's , it 's a jolly hard slog , the point is that erm it the lid is on the kettle the whole time and it 's only , the only way that people can get anything done is by joining these organizations erm but it 's a very slow business erm but there 's no other way of doing anything because you ca n't change what happens at the top .
8 During the week long campaign our phone number will be broadcast on a daily basis promoting an information pack and telephone help-line between the hours of 2pm — 4 pm so that people can get instant answers to their problems .
9 That centre for one of the staff who work there , make quite profound impact on the quality of life for many people living on our estates and I can not see anything more short sighted than denying access to the sorts of services and the sorts of pleasures that people can get from use of a community centre like that by cutting back on staffing so that we ca n't actually use the capital resources that we 've b the capital that we 've invested in facilities like that .
10 Do you think it 's good that people can get to that stage ?
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