Example sentences of "that each [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The work is founded on the principle that each of the dead should be commemorated individually by name either on the headstone on the grave or by an inscription on a memorial .
2 Hence Jacques Derrida 's influential concept of ‘ différance ’ ( translated in English as at once difference and deferral ) , a concept enabling us to ‘ reconsider all the pairs of opposites on which philosophy is constructed and on which our discourse lives , not in order to see opposition erase itself but to see what indicates that each of the terms must appear as the différance of the other , as the other different and deferred in the economy of the same ’ .
3 The National Government had been allotted a definite task , and on its completion it is understood that Parliament should be dissolved as soon as circumstances permit , and that each of the parties should be left free to place its policy before the electors for their approval .
4 Reasonable people will decide that each of the Madrid conditions has been met .
5 What was most striking about the CMHTs , however , was that each of the teams sought to become involved with people with learning disabilities primarily in order to achieve planned changes in lifestyles , choices and opportunities .
6 Often these people believed that each of the components of nature — the forest , the rivers , the sky — was occupied and guarded by a jealous god , and they behaved as if that were the case .
7 Israel 's God would be unique only in the sense that each of the gods on Mount Olympus is unique , with a particular history of actions and involvement in the human world .
8 Gradually it was established that each of the many kinds of virus consisted of a core of a nucleic acid , either ribonucleic acid ( RNA ) or deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) ( see Chapter II ) , with a protein coat .
9 He was quite right to claim that each of the four cells at the end of the cleavage would form a normal larva .
10 This suggests that each of the 200,000 hectares developed by 1986 had required almost £200,000 of public expenditure .
11 In addition , the analysis indicated that each of the main functional divisions ( ie operational , support and business ) should be at executive level so that all aspects of College activities would be reflected in the development of policies and in the overall management of the College .
12 One of the organisers said that each of the surrounding villages has a committee who organise their own band competition and offer prizes .
13 They focused on the fact that each of the four families followed a different form of worship .
14 One difference this time was that each of the parents was accompanied by either a senior or a junior Counsel .
15 If there was some other difficulty in obtaining all the required signatories to the election within the time limit and the Revenue had been notified of this and that each of the signatories had decided to make an election within the time limit , a late election will be accepted .
16 The sort of money involved can be gauged from the fact that each of the 31 trains for InterCity 's newly-electrified east coast main line cost £6m .
17 The sort of money involved can be gauged from the fact that each of the 31 trains for InterCity 's newly-electrified east coast main line cost £6m
18 The suffering and death of Jesus is such an important part of the story of Jesus that each of the Gospel writers devotes a major part of his Gospel to it : Matthew , seven chapters ; Luke , five chapters ; and Mark , one-third of his Gospel five chapters .
19 The main reason has been its long standing commitment ( still evident in some quarters ) to the idea that each of the different forms of functional psychosis is really a distinct type of brain disease , equivalent to those studied in neurology .
20 The finding that each of the AMPA receptor subunits can exist in two alternatively spliced variants , termed flip and flop , with different conductance properties , raises the possibility that LTP reflects a change in the relative expression of the flip and flop variants .
21 Classical pharmacology prepared us for receptor diversity in that each of the stimuli listed in Fig. 1 acts through a separate receptor .
22 According to Professor Van de Wetering , the first publicly to criticise the restoration , these discrepancies can all be accounted for by the fact that each of the three investigations were conducted to answer completely different questions .
23 There is an opinion afoot , which Bishop John shares , that each of the Salisbury archdeaconries should be a diocese with its own bishop .
24 But if , having served a term in purgatory , if having had the chance to try his arguments on other philosophers , Hegel was not unrepentant , he might agree that there was perhaps something in the alternative view : that each of the factors affecting historical development does have its own authenticity ; that they act upon and react to one another ; that from time to time this or that factor will take on a greater or lesser importance ; that of course — with a nod in the direction of Marx — at least since the neolithic age and the development of agriculture the mode of production has been a major factor ; and that the actions of particular men , Marx among them , have in fact been formative , changing not merely the degree of development of a kind already prescribed by a programme of social evolution , but the kind of development itself .
25 We conclude this section by identifying in more detail the tasks that each of the named roles implies .
26 The fine observation kit The observer will find that each of the following elements provides important and useful information :
27 The time samples could be of one minute 's duration , arranged so that each of the six pupils is observed in a regular cyclical sequence for parts of a teaching period .
28 A third , unstated constant was that each of the four women would look at the camera , and that each should be not just physically but psychologically present …
29 As an entertaining diversion and one on which you can again get your hands dirty we consider a small point which naturally arises here , namely : Is it in fact the case that each of the numbers Nn is itself a prime ?
30 It is the basis in the sense that each of the dependent conditionals rests on some independent conditional and a further premiss related to the antecedent of the independent conditional .
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