Example sentences of "that would make a " in BNC.

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1 Another hotel that would make a good starting point for a weekend — or longer — in East Anglia is the Black Lion at Long Melford .
2 In Figure 11 I show the kind of wiring diagram that would make a single cell responsive to a particular kind of edge , with a particular orientation .
3 The eyebrows go up in an arch that would make a complete circle if they carried on down , the lids over those eyes , likened to a cobra 's by Candice Bergen , narrow to a slit ; the gleaming white teeth flash through the pursed lips in what Vogue editor Diana Vreeland called a ‘ killer smile ’ .
4 It nestled on the southern shore of Loch Torridon , with a view that would make a bouncer turn poet , since the living-room windows were filled with Beinn Alligin and the western tail of Liathach , both reflected breathtakingly across the water .
5 A check-list that would make a modern bird-watcher salivate was served up on the Elizabethan menu : ‘ the-food of heroes , fit for the palates of the great ’ , as Camden describes pewits , godwits , knot , and dotterel .
6 ‘ I mean , if you were to find out something that would make a lot of difference , in the cheating line , would you tell me ? ’
7 Left : Trout with Stilton is a tasty dish that would make a good seasonal starter
8 At the end of the first hour of prayer the Sergeant who had branded Lexandro — Sergeant Zed Juron — summoned him and Valence and Tundrish and another cadet , Omar Akbar , the number that would make a squad of Scouts , in fact .
9 He stresses the need for top-class recruitment and training that would make a stint with a regulator an attractive choice for a City high-flier .
10 Companies like Sequent Computer Systems Corp and Pyramid Technology Corp are technologically compatible — but painfully small to make much difference , which suggests that a bold move for another technologically compatible company — with a nice sideline fit in telecommunications — Tandem Computers Inc , is the smallest acquisition that would make a real difference — but it 's hard to see cautious Siemens being that bold .
11 Many aspects of the interaction between employers and employees are not covered by formal contracts because important elements in that interaction are not readily measurable in a way that would make a formal contract enforceable in court .
12 Designer of the stamps , Paul Hogarth , commented that ‘ Glasgow presents a wide spectrum of flamboyant Victorian architecture and it was quite a task to choose something symbolic that would make a good image on the stamps .
13 Well if you , all I was going to say is , if you 're going to get something like that , I mean we could buy something that would make a set .
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