Example sentences of "that would have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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31 Janice said suddenly , throwing herself at me and enveloping my upper torso in a hug that would have done credit to a grizzly .
32 But he controlled himself — there was a force of mandroids that would have done the controlling , otherwise — and merely snarled a reply that left the old pirate fuming .
33 And he added , in a voice that would have done credit to an elder of the Wee Frees , ‘ If he is yer brother , then ye 've been committin' incest .
34 Lindsey found herself gazing at a fully equipped unit that would have done credit to any major hospital .
35 There was nothing short of taking the chap by the scruff of his neck and showing him the street that would have done the trick .
36 WHY is it that whenever I decide to don salopettes and head off in search of that damned elusive substance — Scottish snow — howling hurricanes decide to renew my acquaintance and pea-soupers that would have done Victorian London proud descend on the mountain ?
37 He is its chairman , Sir William Wilkinson , who has campaigned courageously despite personal difficulties that would have stopped many more bullish men .
38 But if she 'd wanted to she could easily have told him something that would have stopped him dead in his tracks .
39 In some obscure way Thomas recognized ( in 1913 ) that his decision to become a writer at the age of sixteen closed the door on a career that would have pleased his father .
40 He walked back from the shop and the plate of meat and potatoes was put in front of him with a regularity that would have pleased an army officer .
41 On any day that would have pleased me .
42 This lacks credibility for two reasons : first , there is no evidence to prove Hollis was a Russian mole , and second , no investigations were ever planned that would have tracked down any of these spies , despite the fact that they all displayed behaviour patterns that were highly suspicious , until a defector alerted MI5 .
43 When they reached the sixth form all the ones that would have called them names had left . ’
44 Nor should we overlook the emotional fatigue that would have followed the achievement of the 1832 Reform .
45 ‘ Anybody watching that would have said I was a rapist and you were being raped . ’
46 CHINA 'S hardline vice-president Wang Zhen died yesterday , just days before a meeting of parliament that would have retired him from his post .
47 SHILDON Strollers retained their leadership of the Durham Second Division at a canter when a weakened Wingate failed to offer any real threat despite the incentive of moving into third place with a win that would have toppled the home team from the No 1 spot .
48 Law firms started to compete more fiercely with each other — through ‘ beauty parades ’ and even on price — in a way that would have appeared unseemly a decade earlier .
49 Lord Woodleigh gave him a look that would have quelled in an instant any insolent groom or keeper .
50 She went , with a glare at Luke Denner that would have turned a lesser man to stone .
51 ‘ Developing countries are afraid funds for combating climate change will come out of funds that would have gone for development aid , ’ says Reddy .
52 The budget cutbacks eliminated funds that would have gone to reinstallation , maintenance , and security .
53 An alert arithmetician will notice a discrepancy between this figure and the 1,476 votes that would have gone to Craig under the simpler system .
54 The letter was the standard letter that would have gone out if the claim had been entertained .
55 These can be useful for the company as the money that would have gone into the pension fund can be used to boost profitability ( particularly useful during a takeover bid ) , or for the financing of projects .
56 Those critics of the police who argue that they took a partisan position can at least point to legal authority that would have justified a different approach .
57 I have experienced this directly in researching this book and am deeply indebted to many new friends , in areas of science that would have remained foreign to me , for their time and patience in explaining things that I never knew and I hope that we all gained from the experience .
58 I let your white flesh and your skinny body and your blond hair blot out things that would have made me shudder at home .
59 Walpole got full environmental approval , but it already has a state prison , and local residents were successful twice last year in lobbying the legislature to reject bills that would have made the land available for the harbour clean-up .
60 Without warning the air was split by a high pitched banshee wail , rising and falling on a sliding scale of pain that would have made the slates fall off the roof if there had been any .
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