Example sentences of "that we think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Second , it demands that we think about the direction of time .
2 And er again just to you know recall some of that to you know the some of the ways that we think about that will be developed in this section .
3 Why do you think it might be important that we think about what we say and how we say it on the telephone ? erm There is a gap here for you to respond !
4 Pound 's point , of course , in these essays reprinted from magazines and from earlier collections like Pavannes & Divisions ( 1918 ) or Instigations ( 1920 ) , is that these matters that we think of as recondite should not be so regarded .
5 Nevertheless , all these types of rights contrast fundamentally with the ‘ once-and-for-all ’ rights vested in an individual that we think of as private property .
6 We think of a being who shows various emotions towards creation — love , wrath , anger , sorrow , mercy and so on — and who is associated with particular activities that we think of as actions taken by persons , such as judgement .
7 But does the crucial significance of this understanding of divine agency require that we think of God as a person ?
8 It is inevitable that we think of children at Christmas but , as Father John McCullagh writes so movingly on this page , our thoughts should not stop there .
9 That we think of this fourth-dimensional aspect of our lives as being in a different ‘ category ’ from the rest is really a matter of perception rather than reality .
10 If a yogi could tell us at any given moment what his digestive organs were doing , in chemical terms , and some constant monitoring apparatus attached to his intestines confirmed everything he said , then we might want to say yes ; for the performance would seem to show just that immediate awareness of goings-on that we think of as intuitively necessary for a Conscious process .
11 Attitudinism directly relates ethics to the will , but it neglects the phenomenological fact that we think of values and obligations as something actually there .
12 The highest requires that we think of the international system as a set of norms or purposes which shape the process of history .
13 Whereas most of the models today that we think of we regard them as a mixture of the two but with a he and , depending on the type of or the piece of perception that we 're working on , we have either one the other .
14 The child has learnt that we think with the head ; sometimes it even alludes to the brain' .
15 In other words , the argument works equally against the view that we think in a kind of mental language , that mental sentences rather than mental pictures are the stuff of thought .
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