Example sentences of "that she [verb] say " in BNC.

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1 But he does n't , and my mother wo n't tell him to go , because she 's never in her life told anyone to go , it is n't in her , but he 's grinding her into the ground , she ca n't work , she ca n't concentrate , he keeps talking to her all the time , and the baby cries , and it upsets her , for all that she keeps saying it does n't , and that it takes her back to the happiest years of her life , when we were all in plastic pants , I suppose she means , except I think we all had to wear wet woolly leggings , she had this thing about plastic pants being unhealthy . "
2 He told me all that she had to say when she left it in trust for me .
3 He was determined to dismiss anything that she had to say .
4 ‘ He is not a clever man , ’ her friend said and Dorothea recalled that she had said it before , anxiously , determined that Dorothea should understand but , nevertheless , accept .
5 Not that she had said that to Dr. Saxby .
6 Roger , an art historian , had first gone to the Mansions as Margaret 's friend , and maintained that she had said : ‘ Of course I never read Ivy 's trash . ’
7 He paused for a moment and she realized that she had said something wrong .
8 She saw immediately that she had said the wrong thing .
9 It was plain that she had said all she was going to say .
10 Again she knew at once that she had said the wrong thing .
11 I tried to convince myself that she had said , ‘ I told you it would be useful , ’ referring to the accomplishment rather than the teacher .
12 ‘ You were dismissed ? ’ he questioned , but by then she had belatedly realised that she had said more than enough .
13 not got the second part , anyway , he phoned up about ten to two and said , but , but before that she had said that he had met Mark
14 She met him emerging from their tall block of apartments as she was returning from work on the Friday evening , having stopped to buy groceries on the way home , her mind flying ahead to Luke 's arrival and all that she planned to say to him now that she had made up her mind to end their affair .
15 He went meekly , and she wished that she 'd said that in the first place .
16 He could n't help thinking of something that she 'd said in all seriousness when they 'd left the apartment building behind and a lack of any interest from a passing night patrol on the motorway had told him that no , the police did n't seem to be keeping an active watch for his car ; she 'd looked at him and she 'd said , Promise me , Peter .
17 The casualness , and implicit disvaluation of her contained in that form , are exposed by her reply in verse : Even after her thirty-line speech of pathos and wifely love , describing his disturbed dreams , when Hotspur answers it is in the verse of public business , ignoring all that she has said : ‘ What ho !
18 I have no doubt wha did I not tell you about the fact that I hit the roof when he said that she has said that when he was twenty one , she was going to buy him a Vauxhall Chevette .
19 Then she all at once became aware that Ven was looking at her seriously , all mockery , however gentle , gone , and suddenly she was feeling quite breathless , and discovering that she needed to say something , and quite urgently , to get her over that breathless feeling .
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