Example sentences of "that she [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Jean so enjoyed the challenge of her new job that she asked her husband , Peter , then a watch salesman , to help her move the heavy rolls of fabric , put up shelves and pictures and generally bring some order to the store .
2 What could she say to him except that she felt her life — their life together — slipping away ; that whether she survived or slid wearily from her broken body , there was no longer any prospect of happiness for them ; that he should forget her and make his own world without her ?
3 Mrs Ware telephoned me five weeks after her husband died saying that she felt her children should be taken into care and she should be hospitalized because she could no longer cope .
4 He was terrified , and his fear began to obsess her , so that she felt her own body begin to knot up with tension again .
5 She found herself saying that she felt her father was going to ‘ drop down ’ in some way .
6 ‘ I read a very good piece by Candida Crewe , in which she said that she felt her life had been made richer by having had step-parents .
7 I told you that she felt her life was ended .
8 His voice was deep and soft with memories , so that she felt her heart dip , then beat crazily as she remembered the last time she 'd been involved in his research , when he 'd kissed her that morning .
9 The flat drawl was so calmly unmoved that she felt her throat dry in panic .
10 ‘ Anyway , I have reason to believe that she told her young man I was a history teacher in a modest direct grant school .
11 Washington insiders believe that she told her husband how she felt and suggested he should use the ‘ excuse ’ of Graves Disease , a condition affecting the heart rhythm which they both suffer from , as a way of standing down from office .
12 He says that she told her husband , they discussed it and decided not to tell the police .
13 We would always suggest firmly that she read her paragraph and reluctantly she would do so .
14 This development places extra demands upon the infant 's powers of attention and requires that she co-ordinate her behaviour with respect to both the object and the other person .
15 It was from there , on 28 March 1941 , that she took her last walk down to the River Ouse and waded into the water .
16 And did n't really know anything about rabbits and I know my aunt it 's a sort of family story that she took her doe to the buck and the buck had babies .
17 South-West Durham Coroner Colin Penna recorded a verdict that she took her own life .
18 The feel of his warm flesh under her finger gave her such an odd surge of panic that she retracted her hand as if she 'd been burnt .
19 And she said that she keeps her dog indoors now because she wo n't You know their big alsatian ?
20 But Mrs Brundtland left little doubt that she saw her country 's recession deepening if it stayed outside the EC .
21 It was n't until she was stumbling from the room that she saw her mother .
22 ‘ … so I suggested that she cut her holiday short . ’
23 Alexandra was not entirely sure that she chose her clothes with the magazine in mind .
24 All the evidence suggests that she had her confessor wrapped around her little finger : while claiming the complete obedience appropriate to her spiritual supervisor she in fact got round every attempt he ever made to make her moderate her life style ; she persuaded him to confer his blessing and approval on her choices .
25 To look at her you would have thought that she had her life perfectly in control — but how wrong you would have been .
26 Later she became so paranoid about their power that she had her room searched for bugs .
27 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu , wife of the Ambassador to the Sublime Porte in Constantinople , was so impressed with the results of this folk practice by the Sultan 's Greek subjects that she had her children treated and introduced fashionable society to its advantages in 1721 ; as much for the protection of complexion as for the preservation of health .
28 At one time the beliefs held about woman in the church , that she might not be ordained , that she was placed subordinate to man , that she had her ‘ own ’ sphere of motherhood , were simply at one with the beliefs of the world in which the church was situated .
29 So she agreed to that bargain , and for a few days more kept the secret to herself , still hopeful that she might be mistaken , and yet at the same time aware of a feeling of inner triumph at the knowledge that she had her very own baby growing inside her womb .
30 Lydia watched it , thinking that they had much in common except that she had her prey in her grasp and was already preparing it for consumption .
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