Example sentences of "that they be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Further good news is that more and more survivors are regularly meeting together , often to unburden themselves , sometimes to experience at least the psychological satisfaction of knowing that they 're not alone .
2 ‘ He waves about so that they 're not quite straight , but he is n't the greatest moving horse in the world ’ .
3 Make them understand that they 're not going to have it all their own way .
4 What they 're saying in effect is that they 're not going to entrust their latest toy to their closest ally because we 'd flog it to the first Russian we came across . ’
5 The last superintendent said we ca n't and I think the point you 've raised is very valid since they actually stopped that facility said that they 're not allowed in there it has I think gone into a situation where it is n't a very quite place erm and there problems about what goes on there etc and I think need to look at it .
6 soc : Only that they 're not queues .
7 The impression is that they 're not .
8 " I suppose he 's going to tell us that gentlemen now abed in England will be sorry that they 're not here , " remarked the Magistrate , but nobody was amused by this loathsome display of cynicism and the Magistrate was left to chortle grimly by himself , his soul pickled in vinegar .
9 I blink my eyes for some inkling of orientation , but the high-pitched multi-signals whine and cascade about in my head just to make things quite clear that they 're not going to be harassed into full-powered service tonight .
10 I did n't know at that time what the content of the exhibition was because Sarah who organised it all had to write to lots of people and arrange the loans and you know it is fairly recently that we discovered for example the tate would lend , their pictures because its very rare that they do , erm , and , so we thought the next best thing , when I discovered the change of dates would be to have slides of the pictures that Sue was using , but erm oh dear then wonderful that Sue was using a another book and this term allocated and I was n't able to get the slides she picked , it was my fault that they 're not on slide due to the amount of time that we had to do this .
11 I think any student going through higher education is getting something from it if they come in as some measure sceptical , in some measure critical , that they 're not prepared to take things at face value .
12 Some women certainly will sail through menopause with never a hot flush and no problems at all , sadly that 's no indication that they 're not going to have problems from their bones later on .
13 so that men from a very early age learn that women are , are not important creatures , that they 're not to be respected or erm understood certainly , and that they can be erm , beaten and abused and raped !
14 And I know it 's important to be equal in careers and to have equal opportunities and I 'm not arguing against that , but I also think that perhaps , in doing so some women also lose the pride in being a woman , and e equality is n't being a man , which I think some feminists take that view , that they 're not equal to a man unless they 're earning money .
15 ‘ Not that they 're not already , ’ she added to her previous remark .
16 Most portrait painters have a bunch of demons on their backs , and they 're so terrified that they 're not doing something innovative , terrified it 's not exactly like the model .
17 So the stereotype of Appalachian English speakers is that they 're not very intelligent , they 've got a lack of ambition and success and a poor education .
18 Er the things that she said were that women used more hedges , such as I think er hedges are sort of things that get put into the conversation if al allegedly if somebody wants to give the impression that they 're not quite sure , and they would n't w You know like I would n't want to say it for sure but I think that .
19 When you know that they are sort of negative and they do n't really talk to you as a person , you know that they 're not really bothered about what happens to you .
20 Well , I mean erm I du n no really , you sort of get the feeling that they 're suspicious , cos I mean there 's so many things go on here , that they 're not sure erm about you , I mean if somebody else does n't know you , then they 're not sure about you .
21 Well I mean the arguments I 've had is that they 're not .
22 it 's evident that they 're not informed because they 're not doing what they 're required to do ,
23 ‘ The second is that they 're not all beautiful — or not in the way you mean .
24 I doubt either can afford to stay at a hotel and I know for a fact that they 're not at any of the local hostels ; neither , I have been reliably informed , have they put in an appearance at the local ‘ hippie ’ compound .
25 Stuart that 's the point is n't it that they 're not going to look as good ?
26 It 's not that they 're not clean or anything .
27 I 've been in the family for generations , said the tray , so you can see that they 're not just a bunch of jumped-up farmers like so many around these days .
28 ‘ I take it , from the fact that they remarked on it , that they 're not Copt themselves ? ’
29 And meanwhile we 'll keep going you know and er and do what we have to do which is to make sure that when they get dow when they get round to that table sitting down that well certainly the the quarry men are not gon na be hungry if if you know what I mean I mean they they gon na sit there with full bellies in a sense that they 're not gon na be starved back and I mean th that sounds rather dramatic and a cliched but I mean when you 're living on the bread line and expecting money from week to week I mean that 's what it 's all about is n't it you know and and the food parcel .
30 The more you observe the bird and the animal life you begin to realize that they 're not so dump after all and if anything they begin to look and behave more like human beings every day .
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