Example sentences of "that this [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From Janet 's Foss my way led across the road and through a gate where the Dales Park have placed a plaque telling me that this is Gordale Scar and to keep to the path .
2 The argument that this is money well spent only bears out if you then follow up with a reasonable period of reliable service .
3 It may be said that this is tyranny .
4 ‘ For those who think that this is window dressing , I pause to remind you that not so long ago the Lord Chancellor was himself the subject of judicial review proceedings , ’ he added .
5 ( Of course , it you are convinced that this is nonsense , the book might mirror that belief , and give you gobbledygook .
6 But the word is out that this is Claudio Chiappucci 's year .
7 That this is McIlvanney 's own creed is without doubt .
8 I mean it is true that this is adults ' business , as it were , and that children are not in a position that they can take the sort of action that is going — certainly in the Gulf situation — to effect a change .
9 The freedoms of childhood include flirting with father and attempting to seduce mother in the safe knowledge that this is play and it will not get out of hand .
10 Few biologists doubt that this is part of the truth , but is it the whole truth ?
11 We would need their agreement to build houses outside the city boundary and you know that this is part of what the Steering Committee will propose …
12 For instance , any award for an idea by an employee relating to their own job or department is liable for tax as the Inland Revenue rule that this is part of an employee 's job specification .
13 We can either accept that God is sovereign and recognise that this is part of his plan , or we can have a pity party and completely neutralise everything God wants to do through us .
14 It is all too easy to carry out this procedure in a vacuum and to forget that this is part of a parent training process which , we hope , will equip them with skills they can use with other problems .
15 It is one thing to assert that things are ‘ not what they used to be ’ and that this is part of the more ‘ general malaise ’ in society .
16 Thank you that this is part of the plan for your new creation , and that Jesus is feeding and taking care of the church .
17 It still remains difficult to explain the Gingin Chalk of faraway Australia , though one might guess that this is part of the same phenomenon that produced the almost world-wide " Cenomanian transgression " .
18 The idea that a contritional experience is an ongoing activity in which every man fights and conquers those elements of his fallen nature as Christ fought evil on the Cross and that this is part of the continuing process of redemption — indeed its very condition — was at the heart of their preaching and teaching which developed the monastic piety of an earlier period for a lay audience .
19 They argue that this is evidence that the broader war on drugs in the Andes is winnable .
20 I meant that this is Maria Luisa 's home too — ’
21 If not , use the arrows icon until this does appear ) Take the cross pointer to the last square at the right , you will see that this is column 45 .
22 These two changes — instrumentation and electronic treatment — suggest two points immediately : that this is music created in a recording studio using quite complex equipment and recording techniques ( the Beatles had in fact just given up live performance ) ; and that it is music for listening rather than dancing .
23 ‘ You need have no doubt that this is Nora . ’
24 But an idea by Gloucester City Council could mean that this is Peter 's swansong .
25 The constructivist answer might be that this is behaviour guided by the input systems , with the added assumption that the behavioural expectation of resistance does not entail knowledge of continuing existence — of a continuing object of thought .
26 Astra refuses to conduct further rat studies with lower doses of ranitidine , saying that this is Glaxo 's job .
27 The reason is that this is cash that banks are likely to need anyway , and which can not therefore be used to meet an increase in demand for cash . )
28 One can be confident that this is Wulfstan 's own opinion , and the chapter , if one of Cnut 's actual measures , might be an important indication of the archbishop 's influence on him .
29 It proclaims that this is God 's world and that his values are all that matter .
30 There 's an assumption by some politicians that just because there is this immense change taking place in Eastern Europe , that this is victory for Western capitalism erm , I think there might be some of who might be a bit cautious about that victory and might believe that er there is still much that needs to be shared and understood and it is n't as simple as perhaps some political figures might suggest it could be .
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