Example sentences of "that are [being] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It can be argued that it has played a significant — one might even say the most significant — role in producing all those patterns and distant harmonies that are being recognized as signalling the onset of the Pacific Age .
2 However , the issue is discussed here as it does to a certain extent relate to customer and supplier contracts that are being assigned .
3 The additional notes and comments proved very useful — in particular , the section on drug survival in clinical samples that are being irradiated as an anti-HIV precaution , which should prove to be very useful to those working in this area .
4 In a similar manner , it can often help to provide an overview of situations that are being affected by changes , particularly where these changes will cause a significant disturbance to the stability of the existing system .
5 He , too , has sought to publicise and to persuade the public of the need to avoid the activities that are being condemned in this debate .
6 We have a body that deals with police here and they should be doing there duties , no good the local police tell us there 's only eight members a shift , cos we do n't believe it , they get on the Council and so they someone say what about all these other places that are being robbed of a night time . .
7 Communications have been improved to ensure that all employees clearly understand the goals and objectives of the Noble Metals organisation and the results that are being achieved .
8 These points are being forgotten at the very time that they have become most pressing — for the transition from communism in Russia and Eastern Europe has added greatly to the demands that are being placed on western aid budgets .
9 Whether the game is played out aggressively " or " altruistically " or in any other way , it is always the interests of individuals that are being served ( or , in some variations of the theory , the interests of another kind of biological entity , an " aggregate gene pool " ) .
10 It seems to be the families that are being punished for what has happened .
11 Returning now to the context of a church planting team , it will not be such national pronouncements that are being sought : rather it is the expression of words from God that build up the individuals listening .
12 James Wood , Director of the Art Institute of Chicago , conveyed a suspicion held by most high-level museum administrators : ‘ I would assume that these exhibitions have been tailored more as events than as the kind of exhibitions that are being sought after by the major museums ’ .
13 It is no good searching an information source ( printed or computer-held ) efficiently and with a sound understanding of its construction if that source does not provide access to the information or documents that are being sought .
14 In both these cases the confusion arises because a term is considered to belong to the same category as the ones that are being demonstrated .
15 It may well strain belief that eight hours of enjoyment can make primary school children comfortable with chemical ideas that are being chopped out of GCSE syllabuses , yet this much and more can be achieved by challenging a teaching tradition that is almost as unhelpful to chemistry as phlogiston was .
16 But , new documents that are being prepared .
17 Data General figures that imaging is an untapped high-volume market because of the prices that are being asked , the complexity of current software , and the time it takes to implement .
18 DG figures imaging is an untapped high-volume market because of the prices that are being asked , the complexity of current software and the time it takes to implement .
19 You know damn well the questions that are being asked the questions I 'm asking : Is this case winding up or is n't it ?
20 All too often the data the systems provide is not only technically inaccurate ( because it has not been updated in the last day\week\month ) it also no longer answers the questions that are being asked .
21 While the power of technology in such activities as conversing is exaggerated , the really important and exciting discoveries that are being made in Al , speculation aside , are not got across .
22 The note sets out how the figure has been arrived at and stresses any assumptions that are being made .
23 But you should be in the studios talking about records that are being made , or in the import shops , writing about important albums that are n't available here yet .
24 The implications of this discussion is that we should go back and re-evaluate all aspects of the sociology of youth — youth cultures , popular music , education , employment , unemployment , training — in terms of the kinds of assumptions that are being made .
25 This course would enable 5 Corps to be tactically disposed in the light of new policy , or ( b ) a proportion at least of the numbers should be returned to Italy and concentrated under the same arrangements that are being made for surrendered personnel of Army Group SW .
26 This may seem to violate the definition of policy making as involving more than isolated decisions , yet individual professional judgements of this kind may cluster or have similarities that suggest implicit if not explicit policy decisions that are being made at the operational level .
27 ‘ The modifications that are being made to it will probably increase that range by anything up to thirty miles . ’
28 The new Business Rate , also known as the National Non-Domestic Rate ( NNDR ) , will come into effect at the same time as the Community Charge/Poll Tax on 1st April 1990. this leaflet is intended to outline the changes that are being made to the rating system and show how these changes will affect businesses in Oxford .
29 Newsround felt it was worthwhile to give readers information about the efforts that are being made by the Council to ensure its views on reform are known and presented as effectively as possible .
30 The rest of the population has little idea of the advances that are being made or the excitement they are generating .
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