Example sentences of "that he has [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Frank S again showed that he has that combination of speed and strength that first team coach Egil Olsen is looking for .
2 The trouble is that he is not a natural core forward , which is partly why he has been shifted from lock , but neither has he as yet convinced too many that he has that instinctive reaction in terms of man and/or ball which enables the born flanker to do his stuff .
3 The Primo Levi who is read by Fernanda Eberstadt is a man who is unable to write about Jews — though he does in fact write about them with great sympathy , believers and unbelievers alike — and who has no feeling for people whose background and abilities are different from his own , though the joy of Levi 's work , for other readers , is very often that he has such feelings , that he knows himself to be , while also knowing himself not to be , an ordinary man , a worker , a man who worked as an industrial chemist and who was no less of a worker when he wrote books .
4 ‘ I 'll agree that on the For side you could put the things you listed the other day , that he has all the skills to set the trap and the perfect place to do it . ’
5 The overall leader knows that he has little to gain and much to lose .
6 The next characteristic of a switching-off organization is that there are far too many people and far too many layers so that each employee feels that he has little or no headroom .
7 Many college curricula , especially in scientific and technological subjects , subject the student to such a barrage of facts and opinions that he has little chance to pause and assess what has taken place so far .
8 ‘ I have seen him play a little bit more to the net than normally , but I would say that he has much more confidence staying back and playing long rallies .
9 ‘ I am not saying that Charles is incapable of love , it 's just that he has this unreal perception of women .
10 I reach that conclusion , I hope , having properly considered the pros and cons of the situation ; the fact that he has this particular advantage as a police officer in marshalling evidence ; considering the issues .
11 I reach that conclusion , I hope , having properly considered the pros and cons of the situation : the fact that he has this particular advantage as a police officer in marshalling evidence ; considering the issues .
12 Now that he has these powers , what will he do with them ?
13 The point about an adult citizen is that he has these rights , privileges , duties and responsibilities whether or not he wants them .
14 Moreover , I believe that he has another reason for clinging to the A level concept .
15 T. Behrens gives the impression that he has more to say about himself than the progress of this mad love — to which he did not stand all that close at the time , brother as he was — has allowed him to come up with .
16 Mr Gavron cheerfully admits that he has more staff than he needs to handle the currently depressed workload .
17 Having flatly denied that he has any intention of going to British Rail , Sir David Plastow , chairman of Vickers , yesterday announced that he has installed a ‘ safety valve ’ guaranteeing that he will not be solely responsible should his company hit the slippery slope .
18 ‘ My husband has married only once , ’ she told me ‘ but he has forgotten that he has any duties . ’
19 The inspection , when it comes about , could be a first test of Mr Hussein 's new smiling face : he is already suspected of cheating , particularly when he denies that he has any biological weapons .
20 Not that he has any ambitions to be thought high-brow .
21 It 's not a duly-made objection , it 's not one that he has any right to raise at this late stage .
22 However , the Hon. Member for Caernarfon ( Mr. Wigley ) was called twice , so I do not think that he has any cause for complaint .
23 Terrorism will come to an end when the terrorist no longer believes that he has any chance of securing his objective by the means that he is using .
24 ’ We did a great deal on behalf of Nicholas Brown and are very surprised to hear that he has any complaints about the Foreign Office .
25 You know , not one that he has any hassle in getting .
26 Hobbes ‘ s talk of ‘ true ratiocination ’ is an indication that he has some theory of what reason or ratiocination is , some explanation or analysis of it .
27 Talking to a tobacconist I found that he has some women customers and a range of smaller pipes for them to choose from .
28 Although his head and body are bent towards her in paternal concern , their tension indicates that he wants to be elsewhere ; away from hysterical females , generally , and , in particular , at his lunchdate with the Chinese antique dealer who has hinted over the telephone that he has some particularly fine pieces of Ban Chieng that the National Museum will never see hidden away in his back room .
29 By the time a patient comes to consult me ( of any other professional therapist for that matter ) , he is aware that he has some sort of problem in his life and that he wants to get to the bottom of it .
30 Of course , he is n't so naive as to suggest that he has some privileged hot-line to the 16th and 17th centuries .
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