Example sentences of "that he have do " in BNC.

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1 All 180 kids gathered right at his feet and he did a completely different show from any show that he 'd done in the sell-out places for five or six thousand .
2 Nolan was disconcerted by having lost on Groundsel though I could n't see that he 'd done anything wrong .
3 suddenly it all ended when a SAC , who was n't even a suspect , admitted that he 'd done it during a fit of depression ; with a pair of pliers , not a knife !
4 But there ought to be a hundred in each packet and Nick once counted a packet that he 'd done — Mr Evans , I mean — over again , and there were only ninety-seven .
5 Your colleague ? ’ said Pamella , bemused , trying to remember who Stuart White was , and then , when it came back to her who Stuart White was , and what he 'd given her ( £500 ) and what she 'd done ( which was n't much ) and what he 'd done ( which she does n't remember being precisely , exactly , what he later said that he 'd done ) she very rapidly saw what they meant , screamed , shut the door and hit the phone .
6 Any scars , tattoos , birth marks … anything odd that he 'd done , anything weird that he 'd wanted or said .
7 Terry knew by the sound of his brother 's voice that he had to do as he was told .
8 Nicholas knew that he had to do something , but he was not sure what .
9 A group of refugees rescued from the war in Bosnia and brought to this country have been inundated with offers of help and accommodation.The six families were rescued by a headmaster , who saw pictures of the war on television and decided that he had to do something to help .
10 When Cliff went to Bangladesh he was already a member of Tear Fund but when he saw the suffering he felt that he had to do more and was ready to give up his singing career and follow his religious instincts to help these people .
11 He glanced at the clock and had a strange feeling that he had to do something — there was somewhere he ought to be .
12 While acknowledging his argument for the bolt placement , I advised that he had done the route ; if others thought a bolt should be placed , let someone else go ahead and place it .
13 And in Britain company chairmen agree with the chancellor of the exchequer , Norman Lamont , about the need for ‘ wider share ownership ’ , but only wish that he had done more in his budget last week than simply to promise to bring privatisation sales direct to the high street .
14 He confessed to Beaton all that he had done at the behest of the English king , including ‘ the suppression of sundry abbeys and friaries ’ .
15 Too many people twigged — or at least thought they did — that he had done it only to open the door of Number 10 .
16 When Robert McFarlane was charged with withholding information from Congress about diverting arms sale funds to the Contras , Reagan openly joked that he had done the same and withheld information from Congress .
17 That he had done both this morning made it perfectly clear that he knew George had upset her again .
18 And they would never , never find out that he had done it .
19 Ensure that the candidate got a fair deal and left feeling that he had done himself justice ?
20 He claimed later that he had done so for the reason that a few months earlier he had sold a stallion to Dunlop which had died within a few weeks and that his motive had been to recompense Dunlop for his loss .
21 Mac came seventh in that race , but I thought that he had done well .
22 The lay brother was quiet , contenting himself with the dry comment that he had done enough penance to wipe a thousand years of purgatory from the debt his soul owed God .
23 On reflection , I thought it less and less probable that he had done any such thing : he would have to have bypassed the dragon-lady , Leslie Brown , for a start .
24 It also transpired that he had done virtually no mathematics .
25 In those early months he had wanted her to know the magnitude of what he had done and that he had done it for her .
26 Jonadab had made it clear that he had done his son-in-law a favour in allowing him to jump the queue and buy four of his grey shirehorses and now Stephen had to screw up his courage and confess that one was dead .
27 Satisfied that he had done what he had been instructed , the young American walked back down to Bayswater Road and soon hailed a cab for Heathrow .
28 Hayman slammed the receiver back into its cradle and relaxed , knowing that he had done all which needed to be done .
29 He could hardly believe that he had done it .
30 He found , however , as he loped along , ostensibly to school , that he could not feel the same bitterness that he had done when he first started to write .
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