Example sentences of "that you [vb base] no " in BNC.

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1 One is that you tell no one over there that you have met me .
2 and with a leprous man came over and began doing a to him saying , Lord if you just want to you can make me clean , and so stretching out his hand he touched him saying , I want to be made clean and immediately his leprosy was , vanished away , then Jesus said to him , see that you tell no one , but go and show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses appointed for the purpose of a witness to them when he entered into Calpurnia that 's the other two , that the other
3 Well , in the in the question of I M R O as far as it 's erm occupational pension scheme members are concerned , er there 's no there 's no compensation responsibility and I think that that means that you get no , no whistle blowing and in I mean there 's , we 've got , I mean one of the points that we , we heard of just last evening was that one of the of the banks involved ended up er in its arrangements with Maxwell of asking for a hundred and sixty per cent of shares for every hundred per cent of loans that it made to Maxwell .
4 You have escaped with your life , it is far better that you ask no more questions and go home and forget . ’
5 The lassie works hard enough , saints help her , that you 've no call to scold , Mairi Ban .
6 And are you happy that you 've no need now to be traipsing away up the moor every noon-tide , eh ? ’
7 ‘ I shall explain that you 've no time in your life for such nonsense .
8 Your Board and its financial advisors Purchase and Szell Ltd consider this revised offer to be totally inadequate and continue to recommend most strongly that you take no action in respect of your shareholding .
9 ‘ I see , ’ she said sweetly to Oliver , ‘ that you feel no need to adopt Sam Weller 's cheerfulness as well as his apparel .
10 Simon Peter is quoted as issuing a warning against any authority other than the Nazarean hierarchy : ‘ Wherefore observe the greatest caution , that you believe no teacher , unless he brings from Jerusalem the testimonial of James , the Lord 's brother … ’
11 ( c ) In addition , there are so many visitors that you have no time to question them all .
12 Another sense in which you 're anti-humanist is that you have no truck with ideas of personal ( or social ) progress — people achieving self-sufficiency and fullness of being by becoming more ‘ conscious ’ .
13 You think at first that you have no choice , that it 's not up to you to decide on things like boyfriends — he 's sexy or he 's ugly — that you can just forget it .
14 If you decide that kit garages do not offer what you want , or you have a particularly awkward site to cope with , you may decide that you have no option but to design and build a garage to suit your requirements .
15 Beauty or whatever you call it that makes you feel that you have no shame any more , none left at all .
16 When you have to take a job , even if it 's a job you can mildly stomach … the fact that you have no choice crushes your enthusiasm for doing the job . ’
17 A time may come when you decide , however reluctantly , that you have no alternative but to seek redress by complaining to an industrial tribunal or making a claim through the civil courts .
18 The fact of the matter is that you have no choice either way , and rightly so .
19 ‘ What will be will be ’ ; a sense that you have no control over your own destiny .
20 Beaverbrooks recommend you choose your wedding ring about three months before the big day so that you have no last minute worries .
21 On top of your fear , anger and guilt , you have to accept that you have no control over what happens next .
22 It ca n't be that you have no principles .
23 Disadvantages include the fact that you have no control over other tenants and the consequences of their habits .
24 Am I right in assuming that you have no use for it ?
25 But , if you do find yourself in the situation of describing an area of life you are unfamiliar with , remember the man with the magnum of champagne and avoid , as far as you possibly can , using any fact , however trivial , however seductive , that you have no warrant for in someone else 's words or pictures .
26 I think you need reminding that I am not your property ; never have been and never shall be ; and that you have no right at all to touch me if I do n't wish it , and none whatsoever to hurt me .
27 ‘ You mean it simply did n't cross your mind to inform me yesterday that you have no insurance ? ’
28 ‘ So I 'll note down that you have no special wishes about the title , then , Mrs Machin . ’
29 Can it be that you have no idea of the power a young , nubile girl can exercise over a young , impressionable male ? ’
30 ‘ Then let me tell you that you have no right to include me in your sordid games .
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