Example sentences of "that i [modal v] be " in BNC.

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1 I know it is unlikely that I will see it , but just the thought that I might is enough .
2 ‘ I had hoped that I might be able to find you some accommodation around here , but apparently it 's the duty of your local council in London to rehouse you and nobody else wants to pick up the bill . ’
3 Her relations were keen that I should meet her , perhaps because they hoped in desperation that I might be able to help her .
4 I learned later that , in the presence of a superior officer , he had wrongly suggested that I might be returned to the hotel after treatment .
5 I felt that I might be able to apply what I learned — if indeed I learned anything — to my attempts to reconstruct the life of Elsie .
6 But the day when I first beheld this city I was well pleased therewith , and coveted it that I might be its Lord ; and I besought the Lord our God that he would give it me .
7 If I thought that I might be able to count on your friendship , despite all that 's happened , then …
8 At the time I conjectured — and she said doubtfully that I might be right — that she was thus exorcizing the spirit of ‘ ferocity , brutality , violence ’ , which had tempted her artist in A Wreath of Roses away from her true world , and made her fearful of being ‘ ladylike , nostalgic , governessy ’ .
9 But the whole incident has depressed me and for the first time since being diagnosed it occurs to me that I might be dying .
10 ‘ I ca n't get a regular game for Bath 's first team so it never occurred to me that I might be selected , ’ he revealed .
11 Sometimes , when she was startled or frightened on my fist or as I approached her , it was painful to think that I might be responsible for her fear .
12 Yet , despite the desperate fatigue and the fear that I might be making a fool of myself , I was seized with a curious elation that kept me going .
13 It is worth stressing that Hume 's argument does not attempt to derive a sceptical conclusion from the fact that I might be wrong ( as in a way the first argument does ) nor from the fact that I have been wrong ( as the second argument does ) .
14 Quite soon after the note , I began to suspect — what I had never even thought about , for some naive reason — that I might be pregnant .
15 She rushed to tell me , fearing that I might be upset .
16 ‘ If it were n't for me old bones and the fact that I might be overlooked when the bidding starts , I would n't want you within a mile of that sale room .
17 It then occurred to me that I might be able to help , and I picked up the telephone and spoke to Winston .
18 I had n't been any great shakes at boxing , but I 'd thought as a young man that I might be .
19 The concept of an objective order demands the possibility of certain criteria of objectivity , such that I might be corrected by others on a given occasion , should I for any reason fall foul of such criteria .
20 One of the factors that led me to sign up with the DIA was the idea that I might be able to do something for my friend Jerry Levin , who had been taken hostage in Beirut by Hezbollah , but as it happened he was released before I got out there .
21 It was Laura who had first recruited me to this task , she who had seen that I might be involved .
22 ‘ I 'm not like that , ’ she said huffily , ‘ and you 're very rude to even hint that I might be .
23 If I return to the matter of improving liaison is it possible that I might be provided with a list of the names of the various staff that serve the Branch and also the names of the Committee members- and this updated at whatever time of year the membership changes .
24 ‘ Besides , did it ever cross your mind that I might be jealous of you ? ’
25 I had a flimsy recollection of being afraid of getting drowned ; now I had a flimsy suspicion that I might be buried under snow and never rise again to the surface .
26 He did n't even seem to consider for a moment that I might be innocent .
27 I HAVE recently become a vegetarian but am worried because I 'm told that I might be missing out on iron in my diet ?
28 ‘ I was n't intending to play singles league tennis that season but suggested that I might be able to help out the youngsters and we won most of our matches 5–0 or 4–1 , ’ said Minnis .
29 But it does seem to me that , can you really trust a front bench , that ca n't work out that I might be slightly over the age of twenty one ?
30 Were you worried that I might be on the verge of getting married , too ?
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