Example sentences of "that is [adj] from " in BNC.

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1 Both tagsets contain information that is absent from the other .
2 A long way from here , but a place that is familiar from your whispered words . ’
3 Each input-output processor has an extra 4Mb of memory that is accessible from the VMEbus and node .
4 The prominent white clasts are fragments of anorthosites — calcium and aluminium-rich rocks that make up the bulk of the lunar highlands crust and give it the light colour that is visible from Earth .
5 The enquiry concentrated on that external information that is available from formal publicly available information sources , and we were particularly concerned with the use of such sources for longer-term strategic planning .
6 You could use some of the dry transfer lettering that is available from most art shops , or ask your local framer or photographer if they could recommend a calligrapher to you .
7 A professional product that is available from Lamaur appointed salons at around £8.15 for 1 litre .
8 Dunlopillo makes a Continental-style pillow that is available from major stores .
9 Third , given a trained and skilled operator the productivity gains and composition power of a desktop publishing system eclipse anything that is available from traditional vendor of Third Wave technology .
10 I advise my hon. Friend to tell his constituent that his experience is not unusual and that it is a tribute to the service that is available from the national health service .
11 You know issues such as the credibility of God , the resources available for neighbourliness of hope and the help that is available from religious sources to overcome misery in our society , prime in our neighbourhood and apathy and indifference all round .
12 As for the Unix business , Pache was asked what Bull plans to do to counter IBM 's development of a symmetric multiprocessor line of PowerRISC workstations that is separate from the line it is developing with Bull .
13 The valuation of high cultural works of art , which sees possibilities of critique only in an aesthetic realm that is separate from the social , is constitutive of the modernist aesthetic of critical theory 's ‘ mainstream ’ .
14 Recent work has confined that it is not possible to measure intensity of subjective sensation in a way that is distinct from and independent of measurement of the physical stimulus from which it is derived ; that Fechner 's logarithmic transform exists only as a mathematical construction to link reports of sensations with measurements of stimuli ; and an experimental subject 's conformity to Stevens ' power law depends on his getting the experiment ‘ right ’ .
15 There may , of course , be a domestic culture that is distinct from the school or street culture .
16 Choosing a variable z that is distinct from y and does not appear in P , we use unc and unc to obtain unc We then apply the procedure for reducing sequential compositions of IF/ALT programs to reduce this to unc Observe that the only places y can appear in P' are on the left hand sides of the final multiple assignments , because the transformation from unc to P' replaces all others by z .
17 Given the ambiguity of word parses discussed in the previous section , we must keep a dynamic record of hypothesized word tokens that is distinct from the representation of word types stored in the lexicon .
18 This is a spotty problem that is different from teenage acne .
19 To the extent that these arenas support and acknowledge people 's feelings and their search for greater clarity , they must presuppose a set of values that is different from the one which underlies the common staffroom ethos ; and after a while this clash of values may become explicit .
20 The phrase ‘ under doctor 's orders ’ expresses a real situation that is different from a normal market .
21 Historically , world society has become a believable idea only in the last few hundred years , and science , technology , industry , and universal values are creating a twentieth century world that is different from any past age .
22 Most of those who answered " No " similarly pointed to the fact that the passage describes a world in the past that is different from our own but is still 'set on Earth " .
23 A more complicated kind of difference is where , without affecting the overall set of phonemes and contrasts , a phoneme has a distribution in one accent that is different from the ‘ same ’ phoneme 's distribution in another accent .
24 Many researchers have tried to obtain a medium for growing antibodies that is free from calf serum .
25 Make sure you use a cloth that is free from any lint , and take great care when cleaning off any fingerprints from the mirror that you do not damage the pressed flower design .
26 A member is entitled to a judgment that is free from any extraneous or ulterior motive .
27 And we should then find an answer that is valid from his point of view , rather than an answer that simply reflects our point of view' ( 1982 , p.35 ) .
28 He notes the self-perpetuating nature of modern mass production : ‘ Thus vast supplies of products come into existence which call forth an artificial demand that is senseless from the perspective of the subject 's culture ’ ( 1968 : 43 ) , and argues that just as academic pursuits such as philology and archaeology , which start with certain aims , may develop as methods creating infinite classificatory refinements for their own sake , so people may become the mere instrument of that which they originally developed : ‘ The infinitely growing supply of objectified spirit places demands upon the subject , creates desires in him , hits him with feelings of individual inadequacy and helplessness , throws him into total relationships from whose impact he can not with-draw , although he can not master their particular contents ’ ( 1968 : 44 ) .
29 Income that is exempt from tax :
30 Further basinwards , the carbonate mudstones pass into a thin shale that is indistinguishable from the Grauer Salzton ( Grey Salt Clay ) , which represent the basin plain environment proper .
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