Example sentences of "that it might [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Nowhere is the siren song of conservation more difficult to resist than when it combines a sentimental appeal to make a restoration project out of every down-at-heel relic , with the coded suggestion that it might even be a retail money-spinner in its own right if properly marketed by a curator and a press officer with a gift shop and a T-shirt designer on hand .
2 Thiemens said that it might even be possible to apply the effect to enrichment of certain isotopes .
3 Christie 's consider that it might even exceed £770,000 , the highest auction price for a piece of Italian furniture ( with the exception of the Badminton Cabinet , sold for £7.6 million ) .
4 A similar attempt to draw attention to an approaching commitment that was so deep that it might even lead to direct US intervention was made by the Deputy Director of the Mutual Defense Assistance Program , John Ohly , in a long and thoughtful paper which he submitted through Rusk to Acheson .
5 The picture was of such clarity that it might even have been a photograph .
6 How this might be reconciled with the terms of the Maastricht text goes beyond the scope of this article , but it gives rise to the thought that it might even be legitimate for the Community ( given the political will ) to legislate in this area using the general power of Article 235 of the EEC Treaty , which allows the Council , in the absence of more specific powers , to enact legislation which is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Community .
7 It was predicted that it might also ‘ destroy well conceived and equitable admission policies ’ .
8 As this suggested that it might also be a cause of cancer in man , it was promptly withdrawn , to be succeeded by a more acceptable agent , propranolol .
9 When seen the next morning in hospital , Pamela said she had not cared whether she lived or died when she took the overdose , but had hoped that it would show her parents how upset she was feeling about her school work , and that it might also persuade them to change their attitudes to her boyfriend .
10 We see here a move away from the view that deviance is simply what people so label , to the notion that it might also have something to do with the acts that ‘ deviants ’ engage in .
11 By this means some hoped that it might also become possible to reduce Britain 's dependence upon imported food — similar colonies had been tried elsewhere in Europe with apparent success .
12 Gemma was beginning to believe , contrary to all her expectations and her mother 's teaching , that it might also come naturally to her .
13 It might be that the subject noun and verb phrase go together to form a constituent , so you have Florence teased Dougal or the structure might not be that it might just be three separate constituents with no firm structure forming a further constituent , so why that structure ?
14 I frowned and brought my head up , suddenly thinking that it might just be stuffed ; perhaps somebody was having a laugh at my expense .
15 Whether we actually sell it or not is irrelevant , it 's the fact that it might just be the hook to get inside someone 's house .
16 But I did think that it might just ease the pressure on Saturdays , because , following what erm Betty has said , in fact , as I make it it 's forty-five Saturdays out of fifty-two , and bearing in mind Bank Holiday weekend , Christmas and that sort of thing , it 's virtually every Saturday in the city centre there is a collection .
17 So persistent was the language that it had become no more remarkable than just another wayward manner of speaking and their sons paid so little attention to it that it might well have been one of the many private languages of love .
18 Mr Gorbachev 's clear message was that the time had not yet come to abolish the party 's monopoly of power , but that it might well do so when a new political structure had been worked out , and the present economic crisis overcome .
19 Through the arch too , I see the dark water of a deep wide moat ; so dark , indeed , is the water that it might well have remained unstirred since the days of the ‘ brave Lord Willoughby' ’ . '
20 If it were possible to unfold the entire long history of the world 's religions in such a manner that it could be scrutinised , assimilated and judged in a single all-embracing operation , the verdict would be that it had strayed so far from the basic human need , and so far from the intentions of those good and sincere people who have throughout that history struggled to maintain its integrity , that it might well be condemned outright as a story of failure unmatched by anything else that has ever happened on earth .
21 He accepted that it might well be difficult for practitioners to give instant answers to queries on old files , but pointed out that allowing a seven day delay for answers to be prepared would increase the number of days required for each visit ; this would both increase disruption to practitioners and put up costs , possibly even doubling them .
22 It was some moments before it occurred to any of them that it might well be Chris or the tardy boy from the bistro , harmlessly appealing for admission to his promised evening of jollity and sustenance .
23 ‘ Has she told the police about it ? ’ asked Melissa , wondering if ‘ two-coat ’ could he local dialect for ‘ two-faced ’ and thinking that it might well be a suitable epithet for Rodney Shergold .
24 yep it 's just that some of the cottages tend to be a bit smaller so that it might well be that we can get you something where there 's a perhaps ground floor extension or whatever okay .
25 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
26 At least one small nineteenth-century factory in Dentorn , Greater Manchester , as an area noted for the manufacture of hats , was built with certain architectural features included so that it might easily be converted into a terrace of houses .
27 Others look at China 's economic renaissance and quake with fear , about wages one-tenth of those in industrial countries , and about political ambitions that it might soon be able to afford .
28 This cannon , too , had been fired a great deal and although its muzzle had shown no distortion Harry had an uneasy feeling that it might soon be about to burst .
29 Adopting that approach to the facts and circumstances of the present application I am satisfied that it raises a question deserving a fuller investigation , and , if that investigation were to favour [ the foster mother ] , that it might reasonably be held on the substantive hearing that it would be in the interests of the children ( or one or more of them ) for a ‘ residence order ’ to be made .
30 we replied that our only object was to secure a Government on such lines and with such a prospect of stability that it might reasonably be expected to be capable of carrying on the war ; that in our opinion his Government , weakened by the resignations of Lloyd George and Bonar Law and by all that had gone on during the past weeks , offered no such prospect and we answered the question therefore with a perfectly definite negative .
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